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пали Natthi sambhavanti avijjamānapātubhāvaṃ.
khantibalo Natthi sambhavaṃ (больше не порождает существования): то, в чём нет реального проявления.
Nyanamoli thera No more gives being (natthi-sambhavam):61 that without factual manifestation.
Комментарий оставлен 26.10.2015 19:14 автором khantibalo
Comm Nyanamoli thera: For ontological reasons it seemed important and worth while to preserve in the rendering of sambhava here its connexion with the root bhu ('to be' 'to exist'). In the Suttas themselves there is great sensitivity shown in the use of this root, and a delicate and penetrating ontological insight (not always maintained in the commentaries). The subject does not seem to have been studied. See Appx. I. This mention is made in justification of a rendering here that might, without it, seem un-called-for. To translate sambhava here by ' production ', while doubtless correct, completely obliterates the ontological connexion, cutting it off from the contexts that illuminate it.