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пали Yo ariyasaccāni avecca passatīti yo cattāri ariyasaccāni paññāya ajjhogāhetvā passati.
khantibalo Yo ariyasaccāni avecca passati (который видит реальности для благородных путём [личного] переживания): кто видит с помощью мудрости реальности для благородных полностью постигнув их.
Nyanamoli thera 79.That sees the Noble Truths by undergoing (yo ariyasaccaniaveccapassati): who sees the four truths with understanding by having fully apprehended them.38
Комментарий оставлен 23.10.2015 21:57 автором khantibalo
Comm. Nyamamoli thera: Avecca can be taken as ger. of ava+eti ' to go down to ' and in that sense it is glossed by ajjhogahetva ('having fully apprehended'), which is ger. of adhi+am+ganhati, lit.'to take down as far as'. At MA. i. 172 it is explained as yathavato natatta acalena accutena pasadena (' by confidence that is immovable and unoverthrowable because of having known according to reality'). The sense conveyed is 'the confidence due to actual experience by arriving at, by " undergoing ", cessation' namely the realization of nibbäna effected by actually reaching the path.