Комментарий Нянамоли Тхеры к этому месту:
There are three seasons of four months each, namely, Oimhäna (the Heat or Summer=roughly April-July), Vassäna (the Rains=roughly August-November), and Hemanta (the Cold=roughly December-March). It is a rule of the Vinaya that bhikkhus undertake to reside in one place for threemonths during the Rains. They can do this either on the first of the firstmonth or on the first of the second month. The rule was made in order that growing crops should not be trampled on by bhikkhus wandering from place to place. At the end of the Rains, what is called the
Paväranä (' Invitation ') Ceremony is held, consisting in a meeting of the bhikkhus who have spent the Rains together in one place, and each member present invites (paväreti) the other bhikkhus to point out such faults (breaches of Vinaya rules) committed by him during the preceding three months as may have been seen, heard or suspected by them.
Подробно о монашеском сезоне дождей: