пали |
"Vāhasataṃ kho, mahārāja, vīhīnaṃ aḍḍhacūḷañca vāhā vīhisattambaṇāni dve ca tumbā ekaccharākkhaṇe pavattacittassa ettakā vīhī lakkhaṃ ṭhapīyamānā [ṭhapīyamāne (sī. pī.)] parikkhayaṃ pariyādānaṃ gaccheyyuṃ?
N.K.G. Mendis |
“If there were a hundred cartloads, sire, and each cart had seven and a half measures of a certain capacity of rice and two measures of another capacity, could anyone tell in one moment the number of grains of rice in the whole? |
Rhys Davids T.W. |
‘[If so, great king, our Buddha’s knowledge must have been less in degree of fineness than that of the other Buddhas. And that is a conclusion hard to draw. But let me explain a little further.] Suppose, O king, you had a hundred cart-loads of rice in the husk, and each cart-load was of seven ammaṇas and a half. Would a man without consideration be able to tell you in a moment how many laks of grains there were in the whole?’ |
Парибок А.В. |
– Если положить, что одно зерно риса – это одно изменение мысли, государь, то за время, пока щелкнешь пальцами, набралось бы сто повозок риса, считая полповозки равной семи корытам и двум адхакам343. |
Перед этим примечание А.П.: (По-видимому, опять лакуна. Нагасена продолжает:)