пали |
"Taṃ kiṃ maññasi, mahārāja, yadā tvaṃ bubhukkhito bhaveyyāsi, tadā tvaṃ khettaṃ kasāpeyyāsi, sāliṃ vapāpeyyāsi 'bhattaṃ bhuñjissāmī"'ti?
John Kelly et al. |
“What do you think, your majesty, when you might become hungry is it then that you would have a field ploughed, and rice sowed, thinking, ‘I will eat food?” |
Парибок А.В. |
– Как ты полагаешь, государь: ты, когда проголодаешься, тогда и прикажешь вспахать поле и высадить рис – мне-де каши бы поесть? |
RD: [Then the Elder referred, as before, to the means people always took of warding against future hunger, and the king expressed his pleasure at the way in which the puzzle had been solved.]