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3. Dukkhappahānavāyamapañho Палийский оригинал

пали John Kelly et al. - english N.K.G. Mendis - english Rhys Davids T.W. - english Парибок А.В. - русский Комментарии
3.Rājā āha "bhante nāgasena, kiṃ tumhe atītassa dukkhassa pahānāya vāyamathā"ti? The king asked: “Venerable Nāgasena, are you striving for the abandonment of past suffering?” King Milinda said: “Revered Nāgasena, are you striving to abandon past suffering?" The king said: ‘Do you (recluses), Nāgasena, strive after the removal of past sorrow?’ Царь молвил: «Почтенный Нагасена, вы стараетесь для того, чтобы отбросить прошлые тяготы?»
"Na hi, mahārājā"ti. “Certainly not, your majesty.” “No, sire.” ‘No.’ – Нет, государь.
"Kiṃ pana, bhante, anāgatassa dukkhassa pahānāya vāyamathā"ti? “Then, venerable sir, are you striving for the abandonment of future suffering?” “Then, are you striving to abandon future suffering?" ‘What then? Is it future sorrow you strive to remove?’ – Тогда вы стараетесь для того, чтобы отбросить будущие тяготы?
"Na hi, mahārājā"ti. “Certainly not, your majesty.” “No, sire.” ‘No.’ – Нет, государь.
"Kiṃ pana paccuppannassa dukkhassa pahānāya vāyamathā"ti? “Then, venerable sir, are you striving for the abandonment of present suffering?” “Then are you striving to abandon present suffering?" ‘Present sorrow, then?’ – Тогда вы стараетесь для того, чтобы отбросить теперешние тяготы?
"Na hi, mahārājā"ti. “Certainly not, your majesty.” “No, sire.” ‘Not that either.’ – Нет, государь.
"Yadi tumhe na atītassa dukkhassa pahānāya vāyamatha, na anāgatassa dukkhassa pahānāya vāyamatha, na paccuppannassa dukkhassa pahānāya vāyamatha, atha kimatthāya vāyamathā"ti. “If you are not striving for the abandonment of past suffering, nor for the abandonment of future suffering, nor for the abandonment of present suffering, then what are you striving for?” “If you are not striving to abandon either past, future or present suffering, then what are you striving for?" ‘Then if it be neither past, nor future, nor present sorrow that you strive to remove, whereunto, is it that you strive?’ – Если, почтенный Нагасена, вы стараетесь ни для того, чтобы отбросить прошлые тяготы, ни для того, чтобы отбросить будущие тяготы, ни для того, чтобы отбросить теперешние тяготы, то для чего же вы стараетесь?
Thero āha 'kinti, mahārāja, idañca dukkhaṃ nirujjheyya, aññañca dukkhaṃ nuppajjeyyā'ti etadatthāya vāyamāmā"ti. The elder said, “Your majesty, I am striving so that this suffering would cease and that no other suffering would arise.” “So that this suffering should cease and no other suffering arise—I am striving for that.” ‘What are you asking, O king? That this sorrow should cease and no other sorrow should arise—that is what we strive after.’ – Пожалуйста, государь: чтобы эта тягота пресеклась, иная тягота не появилась – вот для чего мы стараемся.
"Atthi pana te, bhante nāgasena, anāgataṃ dukkha"nti? “Is there now, venerable Nāgasena, future suffering for you?” “But, revered Nāgasena, is there a future suffering now?" ‘But, Nāgasena, is there (now) such a thing as future sorrow?’ – Но разве есть, почтенный, будущие тяготы285?
"Natthi [kathā. 828, 829 passitabbaṃ], mahārājā"ti "tumhe kho, bhante nāgasena, atipaṇḍitā, ye tumhe asantānaṃ anāgatānaṃ dukkhānaṃ pahānāya vāyamathā"ti? “There is not, your majesty.” “Indeed, venerable Nāgasena, you are very wise that you strive for abandoning future suffering that is not existing.” “There is not, sire.” “You are very clever, revered Nāgasena, to strive for removal of that which does not exist.” ‘No. I grant that.’ ‘Then you are mighty clever people to strive after the removal of that which does not exist!’ – Нет, государь. – Перемудрили вы, почтенный Нагасена: тяготы, которых нет, отбросить стараетесь».
"Atthi pana te, mahārāja, keci paṭirājāno paccatthikā paccāmittā paccupaṭṭhitā hontī"ti? “Are there, your majesty, any opposing kings, that are adversaries, that have risen up against you?” “But are there, sire, any hostile kings, adversaries or opponents who have risen up against you?" ‘Has it ever happened to you, O king, that rival kings rose up against you as enemies and opponents?’ – Скажи, государь, бывает ли, что цари – соперники твои, неприятели, недруги на тебя войной идут?
"Āma, bhante, atthī"ti. “Yes, venerable sir, there are.” “Yes, revered sir, there are.” ‘Yes, certainly.’ – Да, почтенный, бывает.
"Kiṃnu kho, mahārāja, tadā tumhe parikhaṃ khaṇāpeyyātha, pākāraṃ cināpeyyātha gopuraṃ kārāpeyyātha, aṭṭālakaṃ kārāpeyyātha, dhaññaṃ atiharāpeyyāthā"ti? “Is it then, your majesty, that you had a moat dug, a rampart put up, and a gateway and watchtower constructed?” “Was it then, sire, that you had a moat dug, a rampart raised, a city gate-way built and the grain brought in?" ‘Then you set to work, I suppose, to have moats dug, and ramparts thrown up, and watch towers erected, and strongholds built, and stores of food collected?’ – Что же, государь, тогда вы и прикажете выкопать ров, возвести крепостные стены, срубить ворота, возвести сторожевые башни, накопить хлеба?
"Na hi, bhante, paṭikacceva taṃ paṭiyattaṃ hotī"ti. “Certainly not, venerable sir, these were prepared previously.” “No, revered sir, that had been attended to already.” ‘Not at all. All that had been prepared beforehand.’ – Нет, почтенный, все готовится заранее.
"Kiṃ tumhe, mahārāja, tadā hatthismiṃ sikkheyyātha, assasmiṃ sikkheyyātha, rathasmiṃ sikkheyyātha, dhanusmiṃ sikkheyyātha, tharusmiṃ sikkheyyāthā"ti? “Is it then, your majesty, that you would train in elephant warfare, in horse warfare, in chariot warfare, in archery, and in swordsmanship?” “Was it then that you, sire, trained yourself in elephant craft, in horsemanship, in chariot craft, in archery, in swordsmanship?" ‘Or you had yourself trained in the management of war elephants, and in horsemanship, and in the use of the war chariot, and in archery and fencing?’ – Или, государь, ты тогда же и станешь учиться езде на слоне, учиться верховой езде, учиться управлять колесницей, учиться стрельбе из лука, учиться владеть мечом?
"Na hi, bhante, paṭikacceva taṃ sikkhitaṃ hotī"ti. “Certainly not, venerable sir, I had trained in these previously.” “No, revered sir, I had trained in those matters already.” ‘Not at all. I had learnt all that before.’ – Нет, почтенный, всему заранее учатся.
"Kissatthāyā"ti? “For what reason?” “For the sake of what?" ‘But why?’ – Зачем?
"Anāgatānaṃ, bhante, bhayānaṃ paṭibāhanatthāyā"ti. “In order to prevent future perils, venerable sir.” “For the sake of warding off future perils, revered sir.” ‘With the object of warding off future danger.’ – Чтобы отразить будущие опасности, почтенный.
"Kiṃ nu kho, mahārāja, atthi anāgataṃ bhaya"nti? “Is there a future peril now, your majesty?” “So there is a future peril now, sire?" ‘How so? Is there such a thing (now) as future danger?’ – Но разве есть, государь, будущие опасности?
"Natthi, bhante"ti. “There is not, venerable sir.” “There is not, revered sir.” ‘No. I must grant that.’ – Нет, почтенный.
"Tumhe ca kho, mahārāja, atipaṇḍitā, ye tumhe asantānaṃ anāgatānaṃ bhayānaṃ paṭibāhanatthāya paṭiyādethā"ti. “Indeed, your majesty, you are very wise that you would prepare for the prevention of a future peril that is not existing.” “You are very clever, sire, in that you prepare for the warding off of future perils.” ‘Then you kings are mighty clever people to trouble yourselves about the warding off of that which does not exist!’ – Перемудрили вы, государь: опасности, которых нет, отразить готовитесь.
"Bhiyyo opammaṃ karohīti. “Give me another analogy.” “Make a simile.” ‘Give me a further illustration.’ – Приведи еще пример.
"Taṃ kiṃ maññasi, mahārāja, yadā tvaṃ pipāsito bhaveyyāsi, tadā tvaṃ udapānaṃ khaṇāpeyyāsi, pokkharaṇiṃ khaṇāpeyyāsi, taḷākaṃ khaṇāpeyyāsi 'pānīyaṃ pivissāmī"'ti? “What do you think, your majesty, when you might become thirsty is it then that you would have a well, a pond, or a reservoir dug, thinking, ‘I will drink water’?” “What do you think about this, sire? If you were to become thirsty, is it then that you would have a well dug, a tank dug, a reservoir dug, saying, ‘We will drink water’?" ‘Tell me, O king. Is it when you are athirst that you set to work to have wells dug, or ponds hollowed out, or reservoirs formed, with the object of getting something to drink?’ – Как ты полагаешь, государь: ты, когда пить захочешь, тогда и прикажешь копать колодец, копать пруд, копать водоем – мне-де попить бы?
"Na hi, bhante, paṭikacceva taṃ paṭiyattaṃ hotī"ti. “Certainly not, venerable sir, this has been arranged for previously.” “No, revered sir, that has been attended to already.” ‘Certainly not. All that has been prepared beforehand.’ – Нет, почтенный, все готовится заранее.
"Kissatthāyā"ti? “For what reason?” “For the sake of what?" ‘But to what end?’ – Зачем?
"Anāgatānaṃ, bhante, pipāsānaṃ paṭibāhanatthāya paṭiyattaṃ hotī"ti. “It has been arranged, venerable sir, in order to prevent future thirst.” “It has been attended to, revered sir, for the sake of warding off thirst in the future.” ‘With the object of preventing future thirst.’ – Чтобы утолить будущую жажду, почтенный
"Atthi pana, mahārāja, anāgatā pipāsā"ti? “Is there a future thirst now, your majesty?” “So there is a future thirst now, sire?" ‘How so? Is there such a thing as future thirst?’ – Но разве есть, государь, будущая жажда?
"Natthi, bhante"ti. “There is not, venerable sir.” “There is not, revered sir.” ‘No, Sir.’ – Нет, почтенный.
"Tumhe kho, mahārāja, atipaṇḍitā, ye tumhe asantānaṃ anāgatānaṃ pipāsānaṃ paṭibāhanatthāya taṃ paṭiyādethā"ti. “Indeed, your majesty, you are very wise that you would prepare for the prevention of a future thirst that is not existing.” “You are very clever, sire, in that you prepare for the warding off of future thirst.” ‘So you are mighty clever people, O king, to take all that trouble to prevent the future thirst which all the time does not exist!’ – Перемудрили вы, государь: жажду, которой нет, утолить готовитесь.
"Bhiyyo opammaṃ karohī"ti. “Give me another analogy.” ‘Give me a further illustration.’ – Приведи еще пример.
"Taṃ kiṃ maññasi, mahārāja, yadā tvaṃ bubhukkhito bhaveyyāsi, tadā tvaṃ khettaṃ kasāpeyyāsi, sāliṃ vapāpeyyāsi 'bhattaṃ bhuñjissāmī"'ti? “What do you think, your majesty, when you might become hungry is it then that you would have a field ploughed, and rice sowed, thinking, ‘I will eat food?” – Как ты полагаешь, государь: ты, когда проголодаешься, тогда и прикажешь вспахать поле и высадить рис – мне-де каши бы поесть? RD: [Then the Elder referred, as before, to the means people always took of warding against future hunger, and the king expressed his pleasure at the ...
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"Na hi, bhante, paṭikacceva taṃ paṭiyattaṃ hotī"ti. “Certainly not, venerable sir, this has been arranged for previously.” – Нет, почтенный, все готовится заранее.
"Kissatthāyā"ti. “For what reason?” – Зачем?
"Anāgatānaṃ, bhante, bubhukkhānaṃ paṭibāhanatthāyā"ti. “In order, venerable sir, to prevent future hunger.” – Чтобы утолить будущий голод, почтенный.
"Atthi pana, mahārāja, anāgatā bubhukkhā"ti? “Is there a future hunger now, your majesty?” – Но разве есть, государь, будущий голод?
"Natthi, bhante"ti. “There is not, venerable sir.” – Нет, почтенный.
"Tumhe kho, mahārāja, atipaṇḍitā, ye tumhe asantānaṃ anāgatānaṃ bubhukkhānaṃ paṭibāhanatthāya paṭiyādethā"ti. “Indeed, your majesty, you are very wise that you would prepare for the prevention of a future hunger that is not existing.” – Перемудрили вы, государь: голод, которого нет, утолить готовитесь.
"Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā"ti. “You are clever, venerable Nāgasena.” “You are dexterous, revered Nāgasena.” – Прекрасно, почтенный Нагасена286.
Dukkhappahānavāyamapañho tatiyo.
Метки: мучительность 
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