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пали 'Sace, mārisā, devānaṃ saṅgāmagatānaṃ uppajjeyya bhayaṃ vā chambhitattaṃ vā lomahaṃso vā, mameva tasmiṃ samaye dhajaggaṃ ullokeyyātha.
khantibalo "Господа, если во время битвы найдёт на божеств страх, остолбенение, гусиная кожа, обратите взор на навершие моего знамени.
monpiti formatted sace mārisā devānaṃ saṅgāmagatānaṃ uppajjeyya bhayaṃ vā chambhitattaṃ vā lomahaṃso vā mameva tasmiṃ samaye dhajaggaṃ ullokeyyātha
Piyadassi thera "'Happy ones, if the devas who have gone to the battle should experience fear or terror or suffer from hair standing on end, let them behold the crest of my own banner.
Thanissaro bhikkhu 'If, dear sirs, when the devas have gone into battle, there should arise fear, terror, or horripilation, then on that occasion you should catch sight of the top of my standard.
Бхиккху Бодхи 'Dear sirs, when the devas are engaged in battle, if fear or trepidation or terror should arise, on that occasion you should look up at the crest of my standard.
Комментарий оставлен 30.07.2015 19:44 автором khantibalo
saṅgāmagatānaṃ = saṅgāmо + agatānaṃ?
mārisā = товарищи офицеры))