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пали Tena kho pana samayena rājā māgadho seniyo bimbisāro vassaṃ ukkaḍḍhitukāmo
Khematto Bhikkhu Now at that time King Seniya Bimbisāra of Magadha, wanting to delay the Rains1,
Комментарий оставлен 12.10.2021 10:12 автором anotatta
Comm. KT: 1. In the Buddha’s time, kings would determine the lunar calendar, making it easier to coordinate agricultural work or to keep the calendar in line with the actual seasons and avoid disagreements that would arise over this matter. — Wanting to delay the first month of the Rains; desiring not to make (the next month) the month of Sāvaṇā, but to make it that very month of Āsāḷha again. — “The next bright fortnight”: That means the next month.