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Адрес: Три корзины (основные тексты) >> Корзина дисциплины (Виная Питака) >> Большой раздел (махавагга) >> 2. Uposathakkhandhako >> 102. Nānāsaṃvāsakādīhi uposathakaraṇaṃ >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали Te pucchanti; pucchitvā nābhivitaranti; anabhivitaritvā ekato uposathaṃ karonti.
Khematto Bhikkhu “They ask. Having asked, they don’t resolve their differences. Not having resolved their differences, they perform the Uposatha together:
Комментарий оставлен 11.10.2021 09:34 автором anotatta
Comm. KT: “They don’t resolve their differences”: They are unable to crush or overcome [or: conquer, vanquish] the state of being of a separate affiliation. The meaning is that they can’t get them to relinquish that view. — “The state of being of a separate affiliation”: a 1 state of being of a separate affiliation based on theory [or: belief, doctrine, view]. It is said of the overcoming of their state of being of a separate affiliation based on theory, “They can’t get them to relinquish that view.” — 1. This is the kind of separate affitiation that can be overcome by discussion.