пали |
english - Rhys Davids T.W. |
русский - Рената, правки khantibalo |
Комментарии |
Tassa aparabhāge imasmiṃ kappe cattāro buddhā nibbattā kakusandho, koṇāgamano, kassapo, amhākaṃ bhagavāti.
After him, in this world-cycle, four Buddhas have appeared – Kakusandha, Koṇāgamana, Kassapa, and our [Gotama] Buddha.
После них в этом цикле вселенной появилось четверо будд: Какусандха, Конагамана, Кассапа и наш Благословенный.
Kakusandhassa bhagavato ekova sāvakasannipāto, tattha cattālīsa bhikkhusahassāni ahesuṃ.
Kakusandha the Fortunate One had one assembly,
at which forty thousand monks were present.
Tadā bodhisatto khemo nāma rājā hutvā buddhappamukhassa bhikkhusaṅghassa sapattacīvaraṃ mahādānañceva añjanādibhesajjāni ca datvā satthu dhammadesanaṃ sutvā pabbaji.
At that time the Bodhisatta, as Khema the king, gave a great donation, including robes and bowls, to the Saṅgha, with the Buddha at their head, and having given also collyriums and drugs, he listened to the Dhamma preached by the Teacher, and took the vows.
При жизни будды Какусандхи бодхисатта был правителем по имени Кхема, он совершил огромное подношение, включавшее в себя сосуды для подаяния и одежды для общины монахов во главе с буддой. Совершив также большое подношение глазных капель и других лекарств, услышав наставление по Дхамме он отринул мирскую жизнь.
Sopi naṃ satthā byākāsi.
And to him also the Buddha prophesied.
Kakusandhassa pana bhagavato khemaṃ nāma nagaraṃ ahosi, aggidatto nāma brāhmaṇo pitā, visākhā nāma brāhmaṇī mātā, vidhuro ca sañjīvo ca dve aggasāvakā, buddhijo nāmupaṭṭhāko, sāmā ca campakā ca dve aggasāvikā , mahāsirīsarukkho bodhi, sarīraṃ cattālīsahatthubbedhaṃ ahosi, cattālīsa vassasahassāni āyūti.
The city of Kakusandha the Fortunate One was called Khema,
Aggidatta the brahmin was his father,
Visākhā the brahmin woman his mother,
Vidhura and Sañjīva his chief disciples,
Buddhija his servitor,
Sāmā and Campakā his chief female disciples,
and the great Sirīsa tree his Bodhi tree.
His body was forty cubits high,
and his age forty thousand years
Родным городом этого будды был Кхема... Его тело было высотой в 40 локтей и прожил он сорок тысяч лет.