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Visesato cettha uddhumātakaṃ sarīrasaṇṭhānavipattippakāsanato saṇṭhānarāgino sappāyaṃ. Vinīlakaṃ chavirāgavipattippakāsanato sarīravaṇṇarāgino sappāyaṃ. Vipubbakaṃ kāyavaṇapaṭibaddhassa duggandhabhāvassa pakāsanato mālāgandhādivasena samuṭṭhāpitasarīragandharāgino sappāyaṃ. Vicchiddakaṃ antosusirabhāvappakāsanato sarīre ghanabhāvarāgino sappāyaṃ. Vikkhāyitakaṃ maṃsupacayasampattivināsappakāsanato thanādīsu sarīrappadesesu maṃsupacayarāgino sappāyaṃ. Vikkhittakaṃ aṅgapaccaṅgānaṃ vikkhepappakāsanato aṅgapaccaṅgalīlārāgino sappāyaṃ. Hatavikkhittakaṃ sarīrasaṅghātabhedavikārappakāsanato sarīrasaṅghātasampattirāgino sappāyaṃ. Lohitakaṃ lohitamakkhitapaṭikkūlabhāvappakāsanato alaṅkārajanitasobharāgino sappāyaṃ. Puḷavakaṃ kāyassa anekakimikulasādhāraṇabhāvappakāsanato kāye mamattarāgino sappāyaṃ. Aṭṭhikaṃ sarīraṭṭhīnaṃ paṭikkūlabhāvappakāsanato dantasampattirāgino sappāyanti evaṃ rāgacaritabhedavasenāpi dasadhā asubhappabhedo vuttoti veditabbo.

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Visesato cettha uddhumātakaṃ sarīrasaṇṭhānavipattippakāsanato saṇṭhānarāgino sappāyaṃ. 85.And individually the bloated suits one who is greedy about shape since it makes evident the disfigurement of the body’s shape.
Vinīlakaṃ chavirāgavipattippakāsanato sarīravaṇṇarāgino sappāyaṃ. The livid suits one who is greedy about the body’s colour since it makes evident the disfigurement of the skin’s colour.
Vipubbakaṃ kāyavaṇapaṭibaddhassa duggandhabhāvassa pakāsanato mālāgandhādivasena samuṭṭhāpitasarīragandharāgino sappāyaṃ. The festering suits one who is greedy about the smell of the body aroused by scents, perfumes, etc., since it makes evident the evil smells connected with this sore, the body.
Vicchiddakaṃ antosusirabhāvappakāsanato sarīre ghanabhāvarāgino sappāyaṃ. The cut up suits one who is greedy about compactness in the body since it makes evident the hollowness inside it.
Vikkhāyitakaṃ maṃsupacayasampattivināsappakāsanato thanādīsu sarīrappadesesu maṃsupacayarāgino sappāyaṃ. The gnawed suits one who is greedy about accumulation of flesh in such parts of the body as the breasts since it makes it evident how a fine accumulation of flesh comes to nothing.
Vikkhittakaṃ aṅgapaccaṅgānaṃ vikkhepappakāsanato aṅgapaccaṅgalīlārāgino sappāyaṃ. The scattered suits one who is greedy about the grace of the limbs since it makes it evident how limbs can be scattered.
Hatavikkhittakaṃ sarīrasaṅghātabhedavikārappakāsanato sarīrasaṅghātasampattirāgino sappāyaṃ. The hacked and scattered suits one who is greedy about a fine body as a whole since it makes evident the disintegration and alteration of the body as a whole.
Lohitakaṃ lohitamakkhitapaṭikkūlabhāvappakāsanato alaṅkārajanitasobharāgino sappāyaṃ. The bleeding suits one who is greedy about elegance produced by ornaments since it makes evident its repulsiveness when smeared with blood.
Puḷavakaṃ kāyassa anekakimikulasādhāraṇabhāvappakāsanato kāye mamattarāgino sappāyaṃ. The worm-infested suits one who is greedy about ownership of the body since it makes it evident how the body is shared with many families of worms.
Aṭṭhikaṃ sarīraṭṭhīnaṃ paṭikkūlabhāvappakāsanato dantasampattirāgino sappāyanti evaṃ rāgacaritabhedavasenāpi dasadhā asubhappabhedo vuttoti veditabbo. A skeleton suits one who is greedy about fine teeth since it makes evident the repulsiveness of the bones in the body. This, it should be understood, is how the classification of foulness comes to be tenfold according to the subdivisions of the greedy temperament.