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Tattha katamo vicayo.
651. (2) Herein, what is the Investigation?
Abhijjhā kāmataṇhā rūpataṇhā bhavataṇhā.
(i) Covetousness is craving for sensual desires, craving for form, and craving for being,
Yaṃ vā pana kiñci ajjhosānagataṃ sāsavā abhijjhitassa mettānupassiya yo anatthaṃ carati.
or anything that comes under cleaving-to. (ii) And the nine Grounds for Annoyance (see A.iv, 408) can be cited thus, namely how tainted lovingkindness-contemplators,1 of someone coveted [think about someone] (He is working
Tattha yo byāpādaṃ uppādeti, acari carissatīti.
-has work-will work for [his] harm ),2 and arouse 3 ill will therefor.
Evaṃ nava āghātavatthūni kattabbāni, tassevaṃ byāpādānupassissa kileso yo paridāho kāyakilamatho akammaniyatā middhaṃ.
(iii) Such defilement of this contemplator of ill will [in the form of] fever, 4 bodily weariness [or] unwieldiness [is] drowsiness,
Cittānupassissa paṭighātena khiyanā, idaṃ thinamiddhaṃ.
[while] a cognizance-contemplator's 5 resistance [or] demurring is lethargy-and-drowsiness.
Tattha adhikaraṇaavūpasamo, idaṃ uddhaccaṃ.
(iv) Disquiet due 6 thereto is agitation,
Yaṃ kiṃ kasathamīti [karathamīti (pī. ka.)] idaṃ kukkuccaṃ.
while the state of wondering what to do 7 is worry.
Yaṃ yathā idaṃ santīraṇaṃ, ayaṃ vicikicchā.
(v) Any judgment 8 similar to that is uncertainty.
Tattha avijjā ca taṇhā ca atthi, idaṃ pariyuṭṭhānaṃ.
Herein,9 ignorance and craving: there is this.10 [And] obsession,
Āvaraṇaṃ nīvaraṇaṃ chadanaṃ upakkileso ca atthi, idaṃ kāmacchando kāmarāgapariyuṭṭhānassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
obstruction, hindrance, covering up, imperfection: there is this. 10 652. (i) Will for sensual desires is thefooting for obsession by lust for sensual desires,
Byāpādo byāpādapariyuṭṭhānassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
(ii) ill will is the footing for obsession for ill will,
Thinamiddhaṃ thinamiddhapariyuṭṭhānassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
(iii) lethargy-and-drowsiness is the footing for obsession by lethargy- and-drowsiness,
Uddhaccakukkuccaṃ avijjāpariyuṭṭhānassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
(iv) agitation-and-worry is the footing for obsession by ignorance,
Vicikicchā vicikicchāpariyuṭṭhānassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
(v) uncertainty is the footing for obsession by uncertainty.
Kāmarāgapariyuṭṭhānaṃ anusayasaṃyojanassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
Obsession by lust for sensual desires is the footing for the fetter of approval.1
Byāpādapariyuṭṭhānaṃ paṭighasaṃyojanassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
Obsession by ill will is the footing for the fetter of resistance.
Thinamiddhapariyuṭṭhānaṃ mānasaṃyojanassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
Obsession by lethargy-and-drowsiness is the footing for the fetter of conceit.2
Avijjāpariyuṭṭhānañca vicikicchāpariyuṭṭhānañca diṭṭhisaṃyojanassa padaṭṭhānaṃ.
Obsession by ignorance and obsession by uncertainty are the footing for the fetter of views.