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6. Анализ обусловленного возникновения
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1. Анализ по суттам Палийский оригинал

пали U Thittila Sayadaw - english khantibalo - русский Комментарии
225.Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ, saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā sambhavanti. 225. [135] Because of ignorance activities arise; because of activities consciousness arises; because of consciousness mind and matter arise; because of mind and matter six bases arise; because of six bases contact arises; because of contact feeling arises; because of feeling craving arises; because of craving attachment arises; because of attachment becoming arises; because of becoming birth arises; because of birth ageing-death-sorrow-lamentation-pain (physical)- mental pain-despair arise.
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. Thus is the arising of this whole mass of suffering.
226.Tattha katamā avijjā? 226. Therein what is ignorance? Что здесь "неведение"?
Dukkhe aññāṇaṃ, dukkhasamudaye aññāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhe aññāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya aññāṇaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati "avijjā". Absence of knowledge of suffering, absence of knowledge of the cause of suffering, absence of knowledge of the cessation of suffering, absence of knowledge of the way leading to the cessation of suffering. This is called ignorance. Это незнание страдания, незнание причины страдания, незнание прекращения страдания, незнание пути, ведущего к прекращению страдания. Поэтому оно называется "неведением".
Tattha katame avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā? Therein what is “because of ignorance activities arise”? Что здесь "неведение обуславливает волевые конструкции"?
Puññābhisaṅkhāro, apuññābhisaṅkhāro, āneñjābhisaṅkhāro, kāyasaṅkhāro, vacīsaṅkhāro, cittasaṅkhāro. Activity producing good (resultant), activity producing bad (resultant), activity producing unshakeable (resultant), bodily activity, verbal activity, mental activity. Волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде добродельных поступков, волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде дурных поступков, волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде непоколебимого, волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде поступков тела, волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде поступков речи, волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде поступков ума.
Tattha katamo puññābhisaṅkhāro? Therein what is activity producing good (resultant)? Что здесь "волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде добродетельных поступков"?
Kusalā cetanā kāmāvacarā rūpāvacarā dānamayā sīlamayā bhāvanāmayā – ayaṃ vuccati "puññābhisaṅkhāro". Good volition characteristic of the plane of desire, characteristic of the plane of form, occasioned by giving, occasioned by morality, occasioned by meditation. This is called activity producing good (resultant). Это благотворные воления к чему-то в мире страсти или в тонкоматериальном мире, состоящие из щедрости, нравственности и развития ума - это называется "волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде добродетельных поступков".
Tattha katamo apuññābhisaṅkhāro? Therein what is activity producing bad (resultant)? Что здесь "волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде дурных поступков"?
Akusalā cetanā kāmāvacarā – ayaṃ vuccati "apuññābhisaṅkhāro". Bad volition characteristic of the plane of desire. This is called activity producing bad (resultant). Неблаготворные (неумелые) воления к чему-либо в мире страсти - это называется "волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде дурных поступков".
Tattha katamo āneñjābhisaṅkhāro? Therein what is activity producing unshakeable (resultant)? Что здесь "волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде непоколебимого"?
Kusalā cetanā arūpāvacarā – ayaṃ vuccati "āneñjābhisaṅkhāro". Good volition characteristic of the formless plane. This is called activity producing unshakeable (resultant). Благотворные воления к чему-либо в нематериальном мире - это называется "волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде непоколебимого".
Tattha katamo kāyasaṅkhāro? Therein p. 181 what is bodily activity? Что здесь волевые конструкции, реализующиеся в виде поступков тела?
Kāyasañcetanā kāyasaṅkhāro, vacīsañcetanā vacīsaṅkhāro, manosañcetanā cittasaṅkhāro. Bodily volition is bodily activity; verbal volition is verbal activity; mental volition is mental activity. Воления, связанные с телесным, называются волевыми конструкциями, реализующимися в виде поступков тела; воления, связанные с речью, называются волевыми конструкциями, реализующимися в виде поступков речи, воления, связанные с умственным, называются волевыми конструкциями, реализующимися в виде поступков ума.
Ime vuccanti "avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā". These are called “because of ignorance activities arise”. Поэтому сказано "неведение обуславливает волевые конструкции".
227.Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? 227. Therein what is “because of activities consciousness arises”?
Cakkhuviññāṇaṃ, sotaviññāṇaṃ, ghānaviññāṇaṃ, jivhāviññāṇaṃ, kāyaviññāṇaṃ, manoviññāṇaṃ – idaṃ vuccati "saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ". Eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, mind consciousness. This is called “because of activities consciousness arises”.
228.Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ? 228. Therein what is “because of consciousness mind and matter arise”?
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. There is mind; there is matter.
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? Therein what is mind?
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho – idaṃ vuccati "nāmaṃ". The aggregate of feeling, aggregate of perception, aggregate of mental concomitants. This is called mind.
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? Therein what is matter?
Cattāro mahābhūtā, catunnañca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāya rūpaṃ – idaṃ vuccati "rūpaṃ". The four great essentials and the material qualities derived from the four great essentials. This is called matter.
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. Thus is this mind and this matter.
Idaṃ vuccati "viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ". This is called “because of consciousness mind and matter arise”.
229.Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ? 229. Therein what is “because of mind and matter six bases arise”?
Cakkhāyatanaṃ, sotāyatanaṃ, ghānāyatanaṃ, jivhāyatanaṃ, kāyāyatanaṃ, manāyatanaṃ – idaṃ vuccati "nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ". Eye base, ear base, nose base, tongue base, body base, mind base. This is called “because of mind and matter six bases arise”.
230.Tattha katamo saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso? 230. Therein what is “because of six bases contact arises”?
Cakkhusamphasso sotasamphasso ghānasamphasso jivhāsamphasso kāyasamphasso manosamphasso – ayaṃ vuccati "saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso". Eye contact, ear contact, nose contact, tongue contact, body contact, mind contact. This is called “because of six bases contact arises”.
231.Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? 231. Therein what is “because of contact feeling arises”?
Cakkhusamphassajā vedanā, sotasamphassajā vedanā, ghānasamphassajā vedanā, jivhāsamphassajā vedanā, kāyasamphassajā vedanā, manosamphassajā vedanā – ayaṃ vuccati "phassapaccayā vedanā". Feeling born of eye contact, feeling born of ear contact, feeling born of nose contact, feeling born of tongue contact, feeling born of body contact, feeling born of mind contact. This is called “because of contact feeling arises”.
232.Tattha katamā vedanāpaccayā taṇhā? 232. Therein what is “because of feeling craving arises”?
Rūpataṇhā, saddataṇhā, gandhataṇhā, rasataṇhā, phoṭṭhabbataṇhā, dhammataṇhā – ayaṃ vuccati "vedanāpaccayā taṇhā". Craving for visible (objects), craving for audible (objects), craving for odorous (objects), craving for sapid (objects), craving for tangible (objects), craving for ideational (objects). This is called “because of feeling craving arises”.
233.Tattha katamaṃ taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ? 233. Therein what is “because of craving attachment arises”?
Kāmupādānaṃ, diṭṭhupādānaṃ, sīlabbatupādānaṃ, attavādupādānaṃ – idaṃ vuccati "taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ". The attachment of desire, the attachment of wrong view, the p. 182| attachment of (wrong) habits and practices, the attachment of soul-theory. This is called “because of craving attachment arises”.
234.Tattha katamo upādānapaccayā bhavo? 234. Therein what is “because of attachment becoming arises”?
Bhavo duvidhena – atthi kammabhavo, atthi upapattibhavo. Becoming by way of twofold division: Is action-becoming; is resultant-becoming.
Tattha katamo kammabhavo? Therein what is action-becoming?
Puññābhisaṅkhāro, apuññābhisaṅkhāro, āneñjābhisaṅkhāro – ayaṃ vuccati "kammabhavo". Activity producing good (resultant), activity producing bad (resultant), activity producing unshakeable (resultant). This is called action-becoming.
Sabbampi bhavagāmikammaṃ kammabhavo. Also all action leading to becoming is action-becoming.
Tattha katamo upapattibhavo? Therein what is resultant-becoming?
Kāmabhavo, rūpabhavo, arūpabhavo, saññābhavo, asaññābhavo, nevasaññānāsaññābhavo, ekavokārabhavo, catuvokārabhavo, pañcavokārabhavo – ayaṃ vuccati "upapattibhavo". Becoming (in the plane of) desire, becoming (in the plane of) form, becoming (in the) formless (plane), perception-becoming, non-perception-becoming, neither perception nor non-perception-becoming, single aggregate becoming, four aggregate becoming, five aggregate becoming.
Iti ayañca kammabhavo, ayañca upapattibhavo. This is called resultant-becoming. не полностью переведено тут
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Ayaṃ vuccati "upādānapaccayā bhavo". This is called “because of attachment becoming arises”.
235.Tattha katamā bhavapaccayā jāti? 235. Therein what is “because of becoming birth arises”?
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ tamhi tamhi sattanikāye jāti sañjāti okkanti abhinibbatti, khandhānaṃ pātubhāvo, āyatanānaṃ paṭilābho – ayaṃ vuccati "bhavapaccayā jāti". That which for this or that being in this or that category of beings is birth, genesis, entry, full existence, the appearance of the aggregates, the acquiring of the bases. This is called “because of becoming birth arises”.
236.Tattha katamaṃ jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ? 236. Therein what is “because of birth ageing and death arise”?
Atthi jarā, atthi maraṇaṃ. There is ageing; there is death.
Tattha katamā jarā? Therein what is ageing?
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ tamhi tamhi sattanikāye jarā jīraṇatā khaṇḍiccaṃ pāliccaṃ valittacatā āyuno saṃhāni indriyānaṃ paripāko – ayaṃ vuccati "jarā". That which for this or that being in this or that category of beings is ageing, decrepitude, broken teeth, grey hair, wrinkled skin, the dwindling of life, decay of the controlling faculties. This is called ageing.
Tattha katamaṃ maraṇaṃ? Therein what is death?
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ tamhā tamhā sattanikāyā cuti cavanatā bhedo antaradhānaṃ maccu maraṇaṃ kālakiriyā [kālaṃkiriyā (ka.)] khandhānaṃ bhedo kaḷevarassa nikkhepo jīvitindriyassupacchedo – idaṃ vuccati "maraṇaṃ". That which for this or that being from this or that category of beings is decease, passing away, breaking up, disappearance, dying, death, the completion of the life-span, the breaking up of the aggregates, the laying down of the body, the destruction of the controlling faculty of vital principle. This is called death.
Iti ayañca jarā, idañca maraṇaṃ. Thus is this ageing and this death.
Idaṃ vuccati "jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ". This is called “because of birth ageing and death arise”.
237.Tattha katamo soko? 237. Therein what is sorrow?
Ñātibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, bhogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, rogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, sīlabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, diṭṭhibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, aññataraññatarena byasanena samannāgatassa, aññataraññatarena dukkhadhammena phuṭṭhassa soko socanā socitattaṃ antosoko antoparisoko cetaso parijjhāyanā domanassaṃ sokasallaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati "soko". (That which) To one afflicted by misfortune through relatives or to one afflicted by misfortune through wealth or to one afflicted by misfortune through disease p. 183 | or to one afflicted by misfortune through (corrupted) morality or to one afflicted by misfortune through wrong view or to one possessed of one misfortune or another or to one afflicted by one painful thing or another is sorrow, being sorry, the state of being sorry, inner sorrow, deep sorrow, burning of the mind, mental pain, the arrow of sorrow. This is called sorrow.
238.Tattha katamo paridevo? 238. Therein what is lamentation?
Ñātibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, bhogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, rogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, sīlabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, diṭṭhibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, aññataraññatarena byasanena samannāgatassa, aññataraññatarena dukkhadhammena phuṭṭhassa ādevo paridevo ādevanā paridevanā ādevitattaṃ paridevitattaṃ vācā palāpo vippalāpo lālappo lālappanā lālappitattaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati paridevo". (That which) To one afflicted by misfortune through relatives or to one afflicted by misfortune through wealth or [138] to one afflicted by misfortune through disease or to one afflicted by misfortune through (corrupted) morality or to one afflicted by misfortune through wrong view or to one possessed of one misfortune or another or to one afflicted by one painful thing or another is crying, lamentation, the act of crying, the act of lamentation, the state of crying, the state of lamentation, (sorrowful) talk, senseless talk, wailing, sorrowful murmuring, the act of sorrowful murmuring, the state of sorrowful murmuring. This is called lamentation.
239.Tattha katamaṃ dukkhaṃ? 239. Therein what is pain?
Yaṃ kāyikaṃ asātaṃ kāyikaṃ dukkhaṃ kāyasamphassajaṃ asātaṃ dukkhaṃ vedayitaṃ kāyasamphassajā asātā dukkhā vedanā – idaṃ vuccati "dukkhaṃ". That which is bodily uneasiness, bodily pain, uneasy painful experience born of bodily contact, uneasy painful feeling born of bodily contact. This is called pain.
240.Tattha katamaṃ domanassaṃ? 240. Therein what is mental pain?
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ asātaṃ, cetasikaṃ dukkhaṃ, cetosamphassajaṃ asātaṃ dukkhaṃ vedayitaṃ, cetosamphassajā asātā dukkhā vedanā – idaṃ vuccati "domanassaṃ". That which is mental uneasiness, mental pain, uneasy painful experience born of mental contact, uneasy painful feeling born of mental contact. This is called mental pain.
241.Tattha katamo upāyāso? 241. Therein what is despair?
Ñātibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, bhogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, rogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, sīlabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, diṭṭhibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, aññataraññatarena byasanena samannāgatassa, aññataraññatarena dukkhadhammena phuṭṭhassa āyāso upāyāso āyāsitattaṃ upāyāsitattaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati "upāyāso". (That which) To one afflicted by misfortune through relatives or to one afflicted by misfortune through wealth or to one afflicted by misfortune through disease or to one afflicted by misfortune through (corrupted) morality or to one afflicted by misfortune through wrong view or to one possessed of one misfortune or another or to one afflicted by one painful thing or another is despondency, despair, the state of despondency, the state of despair. This is called despair.
242.Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotīti, evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa saṅgati hoti, samāgamo hoti, samodhānaṃ hoti, pātubhāvo hoti. 242. “Thus is the arising of this whole mass of suffering” means: Thus is the combination, the assemblage, the collocation, the p. 184| appearance of this whole mass of suffering.
Tena vuccati "evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī"ti. Therefore this is called “thus is the arising of this whole mass of suffering”.
Suttantabhājanīyaṃ. (Here Ends) Analysis According to the Discourses
6. Анализ обусловленного возникновения