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Hetugocchakaṃ Палийский оригинал
пали | Rhys Davids T.W. - english | khantibalo - русский | Комментарии |
1059.Katame dhammā hetū? | Which are the states that are causes? | ||
Tayo kusalahetū, tayo akusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū, nava kāmāvacarahetū cha rūpāvacarahetū, cha arūpāvacarahetū, cha apariyāpannahetū. | The three causes of good (karma). The three causes of bad (karma). The three causes of the indeterminate. The nine causes operative in the sensuous universe. The six causes operative in the universe of form. The six causes operative in the universe of the formless. The six causes operative in the life that is the Unincluded. | ||
1060.Tattha katame tayo kusalahetū? | (A) In this connexion, Which are the three causes of good karma? | ||
Alobho, adoso, amoho. | The absence of lust, hate and dulness. | ||
1061.Tattha katamo alobho? | In this connexion, What is the absence of lust? | Что здесь отсутствие алчности? | |
Yo alobho alubbhanā alubbhitattaṃ asārāgo asārajjanā asārajjitattaṃ anabhijjhā alobho kusalamūlaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati alobho. | The absence of lust, lusting, lustfulness is the absence of infatuation, of raving, of passionateness; the absence of covetousness, that absence of lust which is the root of good (karma).[2] | Отсутствие алчности, желания, отсутствие очарованности, страстности, отсутствие корысти, отсутствие алчности, которое является корнем благотворного. | |
1062.Tattha katamo adoso? | What is the absence of hate? | Что здесь отсутствие отвращения? | |
Yo adoso adussanā adussitattaṃ metti mettāyanā mettāyitattaṃ anuddā anuddāyanā anudāyitattaṃ hitesitā anukampā abyāpādo abyāpajjo adoso kusalamūlaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati adoso. | The absence of hate, hating, hatred; love,[3] loving, loving disposition; [4] tender care, forbearance, considerateness; [5] seeking the general good,[6] compassion; the absence of malice, of malignity; that absence of hate which is the root of good (karma).[7] | Отсутствие отвращения, ненависти, любовь, дружелюбие, дружественное отношение, нежная забота, прощение, стремление к общему благу, сострадание, отсутствие недоброжелательности, злого умысла, отсутствие отвращения, которое является корнем благотворного. | |
1063.Tattha katamo amoho? | What is the absence of dulness? | Что здесь отсутствие заблуждения? | |
Dukkhe ñāṇaṃ, dukkhasamudaye ñāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhe ñāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya ñāṇaṃ, pubbante ñāṇaṃ, aparante ñāṇaṃ, pubbantāparante ñāṇaṃ, idappaccayatā paṭiccasamuppannesu dhammesu ñāṇaṃ, yā evarūpā paññā pajānanā vicayo pavicayo dhammavicayo sallakkhaṇā upalakkhaṇā paccupalakkhaṇā paṇḍiccaṃ kosallaṃ nepuññaṃ vebhabyā cintā upaparikkhā bhūrī medhā pariṇāyikā vipassanā sampajaññaṃ patodo paññā paññindriyaṃ paññābalaṃ paññāsatthaṃ paññāpāsādo paññāāloko paññāobhāso paññāpajjoto paññāratanaṃ amoho dhammavicayo sammādiṭṭhi – ayaṃ vuccati amoho. | Knowledge about ill, about the uprising of ill, about the cessation of ill, and about the way leading to the cessation of ill; knowledge about the former things, about the latter things, about both taken together; knowledge about the assignable causation of causally determined states — even that kind of wisdom which is understanding, search, research, searching the Truth, etc. | Знание страдания, происхождения страдания, прекращения страдания, пути, ведущего к прекращению страдания, знание прошлого, знание будущего, знание того и другого, знание обусловленности одного другим обусловленно возникших явлений, даже та мудрость, которая состоит в понимании, поиске, исследовании, поиске истины и прочего. |
Она тут специально недоперевела? Все комментарии (1) |
Ime tayo kusalahetū. | These are the three causes of good (karma). | ||
1064.Tattha katame tayo akusalahetū? | (B) In this connexion, Which are the three causes of bad (karma)? | ||
Lobho, doso, moho. | Lust, hate, dulness. | ||
1065.Tattha katamo lobho? | In this connexion, What is lust? | Что здесь алчность? | |
Yo rāgo sārāgo anunayo anurodho nandī nandīrāgo [nandirāgo (sī.)] cittassa sārāgo icchā mucchā ajjhosānaṃ gedho paligedho saṅgo paṅko ejā māyā janikā sañjananī sibbinī [sibbanī (sī.)] jālinī saritā visattikā suttaṃ visaṭā āyūhinī [āyūhanī (sī. syā.)] dutiyā paṇidhi bhavanetti vanaṃ vanatho santhavo sineho apekkhā paṭibandhu āsā āsisanā āsisitattaṃ [āsiṃsanā āsiṃsitattaṃ (sī. syā.)] rūpāsā saddāsā gandhāsā rasāsā phoṭṭhabbāsā lābhāsā dhanāsā puttāsā jīvitāsā jappā pajappā abhijappā jappā jappanā jappitattaṃ loluppaṃ loluppāyanā loluppāyitattaṃ pucchañjikatā [puñcikatā (syā.) pucchikatā (sī.)] sādhukamyatā adhammarāgo visamalobho nikanti nikāmanā patthanā pihanā sampatthanā kāmataṇhā bhavataṇhā vibhavataṇhā rūpataṇhā arūpataṇhā nirodhataṇhā rūpataṇhā saddataṇhā gandhataṇhā rasataṇhā phoṭṭhabbataṇhā dhammataṇhā ogho yogo gantho upādānaṃ āvaraṇaṃ nīvaraṇaṃ chādanaṃ bandhanaṃ upakkileso anusayo pariyuṭṭhānaṃ latā vevicchaṃ dukkhamūlaṃ dukkhanidānaṃ dukkhappabhavo mārapāso mārabaḷisaṃ māravisayo taṇhānadī taṇhājālaṃ taṇhāgaddulaṃ taṇhāsamuddo abhijjhā lobho akusalamūlaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati lobho. | That which is passion (rago), infatuation (sarago),[8] fawning (anunayo),[9] compliance (anurodho),[10] delighting in (nandi),[11] taking passionate delight in (nandi-rago),[11] infatuation of mind (cittassa sarago),[12] longing (iccha), languishing (muccha), devouring (ajjhosanam),[13] greed (gedho), omnivorous greed (paligedho), cleaving to (sango), a slough (panko),[14] seduction (eja),[15] trickery (maya),[16] genitrix (janika) ,[17] progenitrix (sanjananl), seamstress (sibbani),[18] she who ensnares (jalini),[19] the river (sarita),[20] she who is poisonous (visattika),[21] the thread (suttam),[22] diffusion (visata),[23] she who toils (ayuhani),[24] the consort (dutiya),[25] hankering (panidhi), she who leads to renewed existence (bhavanetti),[26] the jungle (vanam), the undergrowth (vanatho),[27] intimacy (santhavo),[28] unctuous affection (sineho), affection (apekkha),[29] connexion (patibandhu),[30] craving (asa), wanting (asimsana), cupidity (asimsitattam), craving for visual forms (rupasa, etc.), craving for sounds, craving for odours, craving for tastes, craving for the tangible, craving for getting, craving for wealth, craving for children, craving for life, mumbling (jappa),[31] mumbling on, mumbling over, muttering, murmuring, self-indulgence (loluppam),[32] self-indulging, intemperateness, agitation (puncikata),[33] longing for the agreeable (sadhu kamyata),[34] incestuous passion (adhammarago),[35] lawless lust (visamalobho), appetite (nikanti), hungering for (nikamana), entreating (patthana), envying (pihana), imploring (sampatthana),[36] thirst for sensual indulgence (kamatanha), thirst for existence (bhavatanha), thirst for non-existence (vibhavatanha),[37] thirst for form,[38] thirst for formlessness, thirst for annihilation, thirst for visible forms,[39] thirst for sounds, thirst for smells, thirst for tastes, thirst for the tangible, thirst for mental states (dhammatanha), a flood (ogho), a yoke (yogo), trammels (gantho), attachment (upadanam), obstruction (avaranam), hindrance (nivaranam), counterfeiting (chadanam),[40] bondage (bandhanam),[41] depravity (upakkileso), faltering (anusayo),[42] pervading (pariyutthanam),[43] a creeper (lata),[44] avarice (veviccham),[45] root of pain, source of pain (dukkhanidanam), production of pain (dukkhappabhavo), Mara's trap (marapaso), Mara's fish-hook (marabalisam), Mara's domain (maravisayo), thirst, thirst for delight (nanditanha), the fishing-net of thirst (jalamtanha)[46] , the leash of thirst (gaddulatanh a),[47] the ocean (samuddo),[48] covetousness (abhijjha) ,[49] the lust that is the root of evil — this is what is called lust. | предпочтение, желание, любовь, привязанность, похоть, жажда, страсть, потакание себе, собственничество, скупость, жажда пяти объектов чувств, жажда богатства, потомства, славы... | |
1066.Tattha katamo doso? | What is hate? | Что здесь отвращение? | |
Anatthaṃ me acarīti āghāto jāyati, anatthaṃ me caratīti āghāto jāyati, anatthaṃ me carissatīti āghāto jāyati, piyassa me manāpassa anatthaṃ acari - pe - anatthaṃ carati - pe - anatthaṃ carissatīti āghāto jāyati, appiyassa me amanāpassa atthaṃ acari - pe - atthaṃ carati - pe - atthaṃ carissatīti āghāto jāyati, aṭṭhāne vā pana āghāto jāyati. | When annoyance springs up at the thought: he has done me harm, is doing, will do me harm; he has done harm, is doing harm, will do harm to someone dear and precious to me; he has conferred a benefit, is conferring, will confer a benefit on someone I dislike and object to; or when annoyance springs up groundlessly[50] : | ||
Yo evarūpo cittassa āghāto paṭighāto paṭighaṃ paṭivirodho kopo pakopo sampakopo doso padoso sampadoso cittassa byāpatti manopadoso kodho kujjhanā kujjhitattaṃ doso dussanā dussitattaṃ byāpatti byāpajjanā byāpajjitattaṃ virodho paṭivirodho caṇḍikkaṃ asuropo anattamanatā cittassa – ayaṃ vuccati doso. | — all such vexation of spirit,[51] resentment, repugnance, hostility;[52] ill-temper, irritation, indignation;[53] hate, antipathy, abhorrence;[54] mental disorder,[55] detestation;[56] anger, fuming, irascibility; hate, hating, hatred; disorder, getting upset, derangement; opposition, hostility;[57] churlishness, abruptness, disgust of heart — this is what is called hate. | антипатия, отвращение, отторжение, ..., дурной умысел, ..., раздражительность, антагонизм, ненависть, злоба, негодование, мстительность... | |
1067.Tattha katamo moho? | What is dulness? | Что здесь заблуждение? | |
Dukkhe aññāṇaṃ, dukkhasamudaye aññāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhe aññāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya aññāṇaṃ, pubbante aññāṇaṃ, aparante aññāṇaṃ, pubbantāparante aññāṇaṃ, idappaccayatā paṭiccasamuppannesu dhammesu aññāṇaṃ, yaṃ evarūpaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ anabhisamayo ananubodho asambodho appaṭivedho asaṃgāhanā apariyogāhanā asamapekkhanā apaccavekkhaṇā apaccakkhakammaṃ dummejjhaṃ bālyaṃ asampajaññaṃ moho pamoho sammoho avijjā avijjogho avijjāyogo avijjānusayo avijjāpariyuṭṭhānaṃ avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati moho. | Lack of knowledge about Ill, lack of knowledge about the uprising of Ill, lack of knowledge about the cessation of Ill, lack of knowledge about the way leading to the cessation of Ill; lack of knowledge about the former things, about the latter things and about both taken together; lack of knowledge about the assignable causation of causally determined states — even all that kind of lack of knowledge which is lack of insight, of understanding, of wakefulness, of enlightenment, of penetration, of comprehension, of sounding, of comparing, of contemplation, of perspicacity; impurity, childishness, unintelligence, the dulness that is stupidity, obtuseness, ignorance, a flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the dependence of ignorance, the being possessed by ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, the dulness that is the root of evil — this is called dulness.[58] | глупость, тупость, запутанность, незнание основ (четырёх действительностей), предрассудки, идеологический догматизм, фанатизм, ложные взгляды, самомнение... | |
Ime tayo akusalahetū. | These are the three causes of bad [karma]. | ||
1068.Tattha katame tayo abyākatahetū? | (C) In this connexion, Which are the three causes of the indeterminate? | ||
Kusalānaṃ vā dhammānaṃ vipākato kiriyābyākatesu vā dhammesu alobho adoso amoho – ime tayo abyākatahetū. | The absence of lust, hate and dulness coming to pass as the result of good states, or as the indeterminate states known as kiriya-thoughts.[59] | ||
1069.Tattha katame nava kāmāvacarahetū? | Which are the nine causes operative in the sensuous universe (kamavacarahetu)? | ||
Tayo kusalahetū, tayo akusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū – ime nava kāmāvacarahetū. | The three causes of good [karma], the three causes of bad [karma], the three causes of indeterminate [states] — these are the nine. | ||
1070.Tattha katame cha rūpāvacarahetū? | Which are the six causes operative in the universe of form? | ||
Tayo kusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū – ime cha rūpāvacarahetū. | The three causes of good [karma], the three causes of indeterminate [states] — these are the six. | ||
1071.Tattha katame cha arūpāvacarahetū? | Which are the six causes operative in the universe of the formless? | ||
Tayo kusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū – ime cha arūpāvacarahetū. | The three causes of good [karma], the three causes of indeterminate [states] — these are the six. | ||
1072.Tattha katame cha apariyāpannahetū? | Which are the six causes operative in the Unincluded? | ||
Tayo kusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū – ime cha apariyāpannahetū. | The three causes of good [karma], the three causes of indeterminate [states] — these are the six. | ||
1073.Tattha katame tayo kusalahetū? | In this connexion, Which are the three causes of good [karma]? | ||
Alobho, adoso, amoho. | The absence of lust, hate and dulness. | ||
1074.Tattha katamo alobho? | In this connexion, [1068-1070] What is the absence of lust ... |
Comm. RD: Answers as in §§ 1055-1057, but omitting in § 1056, from 'hatred' to 'the absence of malice', exclusively.[60] Все комментарии (1) |
Yo alobho alubbhanā alubbhitattaṃ asārāgo asārajjanā asārajjitattaṃ anabhijjhā alobho kusalamūlaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati alobho. | |||
1075.Tattha katamo adoso? | of hate ... | ||
Yo adoso adussanā adussitattaṃ - pe - abyāpādo abyāpajjo adoso kusalamūlaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati adoso. | |||
1076.Tattha katamo amoho ? | of dulness? | ||
Dukkhe ñāṇaṃ, dukkhasamudaye ñāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhe ñāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya ñāṇaṃ, pubbante ñāṇaṃ, aparante ñāṇaṃ, pubbantāparante ñāṇaṃ, idappaccayatā paṭiccasamuppannesu dhammesu ñāṇaṃ, yā evarūpā paññā pajānanā vicayo pavicayo dhammavicayo sallakkhaṇā upalakkhaṇā paccupalakkhaṇā paṇḍiccaṃ kosallaṃ nepuññaṃ vebhabyā cintā upaparikkhā bhūrī medhā pariṇāyikā vipassanā sampajaññaṃ patodo paññā paññindriyaṃ paññābalaṃ paññāsatthaṃ paññāpāsādo paññāāloko paññāobhāso paññāpajjoto paññāratanaṃ amoho dhammavicayo sammādiṭṭhi dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo maggaṅgaṃ maggapariyāpannaṃ – ayaṃ vuccati amoho. | |||
Ime tayo kusalahetū. | These are the three causes of good [karma]. | ||
1077.Tattha katame tayo abyākatahetū? | (D) In this connexion, Which are the three causes of indeterminate [states]? | ||
Kusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ vipākato alobho adoso amoho – ime tayo abyākatahetū. | The absence of lust, hate and dulness coming to pass as the effect of good states — these are the three. | ||
Ime cha apariyāpannahetū – ime dhammā hetū. | These are the six causes operative in the Unincluded. These are the states which are causes. | ||
1078.Katame dhammā na hetū? | Which are the states that are not causes? | ||
Te dhamme ṭhapetvā, avasesā kusalākusalābyākatā dhammā kāmāvacarā, rūpāvacarā, arūpāvacarā, apariyāpannā; vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho; sabbañca rūpaṃ, asaṅkhatā ca dhātu – ime dhammā na hetū. | Every state, good, bad and indeterminate, whether related to the worlds of sense, of form, of the formless, or to the life that is Unincluded, except the states enumerated above; in other words, the four skandhas; all form also and uncompounded element. | ||
1079.Katame dhammā sahetukā? | Which are the states that have causes as concomitants?[61] | ||
Tehi dhammehi ye dhammā sahetukā vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho – ime dhammā sahetukā. | Those states, to wit, the four skandhas, which have as concomitant causes the states enumerated above.[62] | ||
1080.Katame dhammā ahetukā? | Which are the states that have not concomitant causes? | ||
Tehi dhammehi ye dhammā ahetukā vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho, sabbañca rūpaṃ, asaṅkhatā ca dhātu – ime dhammā ahetukā. | Those states, to wit, the four skandhas, all form also, and uncompounded element, which have not as concomitant causes the states enumerated above. | ||
1081.Katame dhammā hetusampayuttā? | Which are the states that are associated with a cause?[63] | ||
Tehi dhammehi ye dhammā sampayuttā vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho – ime dhammā hetusampayuttā. | The states, to wit, the four skandhas, which are associated with those states enumerated above. | ||
1082.Katame dhammā hetuvippayuttā? | Which are the states that are not associated with a cause? | ||
Tehi dhammehi ye dhammā vippayuttā vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho, sabbañca rūpaṃ, asaṅkhatā ca dhātu – ime dhammā hetuvippayuttā. | The states, to wit, the four skandhas, all form also, and uncompounded element, which are not associated with the states enumerated above. | ||
1083.Katame dhammā hetū ceva sahetukā ca? | Which are the states that both are causes and have causes as their concomitants? | ||
Lobho mohena hetu ceva sahetuko ca, moho lobhena hetu ceva sahetuko ca, doso mohena hetu ceva sahetuko ca, moho dosena hetu ceva sahetuko ca; alobho adoso amoho, te aññamaññaṃ hetū ceva sahetukā ca – ime dhammā hetū ceva sahetukā ca. | Lust with dulness is both. Dulness with lust is both. Hate with dulness is both. Dulness with hate is both.[64] The absence of lust, the absence of hate, the absence of dulness — these also, taken one with the other, both are causes and have causes as their concomitants. | ||
1084.Katame dhammā sahetukā ceva na ca hetū? | Which are the states that have causes as their concomitants, but are not causes? | ||
Tehi dhammehi ye dhammā sahetukā te dhamme ṭhapetvā, vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho – ime dhammā sahetukā ceva na ca hetū. | The states, to wit, the four skandhas, which have as their concomitant causes those states [enumerated above as causes], the latter states themselves excepted. | ||
1085.Katame dhammā hetū ceva hetusampayuttā ca? | Which are the states that are both causes and associated with a cause? | ||
Lobho mohena hetu ceva hetusampayutto ca, moho lobhena hetu ceva hetusampayutto ca, doso mohena hetu ceva hetusampayutto ca, moho dosena hetu ceva hetusampayutto ca; alobho adoso amoho, te aññamaññaṃ hetū ceva hetusampayuttā ca – ime dhammā hetū ceva hetusampayuttā ca. |
Comm. RD: Answers identical with those in the foregoing pair.[65] Все комментарии (1) |
1086.Katame dhammā hetusampayuttā ceva na ca hetū? | Which are the states that are associated with a cause, but are not causes? | ||
Tehi dhammehi ye dhammā sampayuttā te dhamme ṭhapetvā, vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho – ime dhammā hetusampayuttā ceva na ca hetū. | |||
1087.Katame dhammā na hetū sahetukā? | Which are the states that are not causes, but have a cause as their concomitant?[66] | ||
Tehi dhammehi ye dhammā na hetū sahetukā vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho – ime dhammā na hetū sahetukā. | The states, to wit, the four skandhas, which are not the causes of those states enumerated above, but which have any of them as their concomitants. | ||
1088.Katame dhammā na hetū ahetukā? | Which are the states that are not causes and have not causes as their concomitants? | ||
Tehi dhammehi ye dhammā na hetū ahetukā vedanākkhandho - pe - viññāṇakkhandho, sabbañca rūpaṃ, asaṅkhatā ca dhātu – ime dhammā na hetū ahetukā. | The states, to wit, the four skandhas, all form also, and uncompounded element, which neither are the causes of those states enumerated above, nor have any of them as their concomitants. |