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14. Samādhipañho Палийский оригинал

пали N.K.G. Mendis - english Rhys Davids T.W. - english Парибок А.В. - русский Комментарии
14.Rājā āha "bhante nāgasena, kiṃlakkhaṇo samādhī"ti? King Milinda said: “Revered Nāgasena, what is the distinguishing mark of concentration?" The king said: ‘What, Nāgasena, is the characteristic mark of meditation? Царь молвил: «Почтенный Нагасена, каково свойство сосредоточения?»
"Pamukhalakkhaṇo, mahārāja, samādhi, ye keci kusalā dhammā, sabbe te samādhipamukhā honti samādhininnā samādhipoṇā samādhipabbhārā"ti. “The distinguishing mark of concentration, sire, is being the chief. All those mental states that are wholesome have concentration as the chief, they lean, tend and incline towards concentration.” ‘Being the leader, O king. All good qualities have meditation as their chief, they incline to it, lead up towards it, are as so many slopes up the side of the mountain of meditation.’ – Свойство сосредоточения – главенство, государь. У всех благих дхарм глава одна – сосредоточение. Все они – низины сосредоточения, склоны сосредоточения, скаты сосредоточения171.
"Opammaṃ karohī"ti. “Make a simile.” ‘Give me an illustration.’ – Приведи пример.
"Yathā, mahārāja, kūṭāgārassa yā yāci gopānasiyo, sabbā tā kūṭaṅgamā honti kūṭaninnā kūṭasamosaraṇā, kūṭaṃ tāsaṃ aggamakkhāyati. “As, sire, in a house with a ridge-pole all the rafters go to the ridge-pole, lean towards it and join it, and the ridge-pole is pointed to as their chief, ‘As all the rafters of the roof of a house, O king, go up to the apex, slope towards it, are joined on together at it, and the apex is acknowledged to be the top of all; – Как в здании с островерхой кровлей, государь, все закрылины от конька идут, от конька спускаются, на коньке сходятся, конек их всех выше,
Evameva kho, mahārāja, ye keci kusalā dhammā, sabbe te samādhipamukhā honti samādhininnā samādhipoṇā samādhipabbhārāti. even so, sire, all those mental states that are wholesome have concentration as the chief, they lean, tend and incline towards concentration.” so is the habit of meditation in its relation to other good qualities.’ вот точно так же, государь, у всех благих дхарм глава одна – сосредоточение, все они – низины сосредоточения, скаты сосредоточения, склоны сосредоточения172.
"Bhiyyo opammaṃ karohī"ti. ‘Give me a further illustration.’ – Приведи еще пример.
"Yathā, mahārāja, koci rājā caturaṅginiyā senāya saddhiṃ saṅgāmaṃ otareyya, sabbāva senā hatthī ca assā ca rathā ca pattī ca tappamukhā [tampamukhā (syā. ka.)] bhaveyyuṃ tanninnā tappoṇā tappabbhārā taṃ yeva anupariyāyeyyuṃ. ‘It is like a king, your Majesty, when he goes down to battle with his army in its fourfold array. The whole army—elephants, cavalry, war chariots, and bowmen—would have him as their chief, their lines would incline towards him, lead up to him, they would be so many mountain slopes, one above another, with him as their summit, round him they would all be ranged. – Представь, государь, что некий царь вышел со своим четырехчастным войском на битву. Он тогда глава всего войска – слонов, конницы, колесниц, пехоты, а они от него расходятся, будто низины, будто склоны, будто скаты.
Evameva kho, mahārāja, ye keci kusalā dhammā, sabbe te samādhipamukhā honti samādhininnā samādhipoṇā samādhipabbhārā. Вот точно так же, государь, у всех благих дхарм глава одна – сосредоточение173. Все они – низины сосредоточения, склоны сосредоточения, скаты сосредоточения.
Evaṃ kho, mahārāja, pamukhalakkhaṇo samādhi. Вот так, государь, свойство сосредоточения – главенство.
Bhāsitampetaṃ, mahārāja, bhagavatā – "samādhiṃ, bhikkhave, bhāvetha, samāhito, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yathābhūtaṃ pajānātī"ti. And it has been said, O king, by the Blessed One: “Cultivate in yourself, O Bhikkhus, the habit of meditation. He who is established therein knows things as they really are.” ’ Ведь есть изречение Блаженного, государь: «Осваивайте сосредоточение, монахи. Сосредоточенный постигает то, что есть»174.
"Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā"ti. “You are dexterous, revered Nāgasena.” ‘Well put, Nāgasena!’ – Прекрасно, почтенный Нагасена.
Samādhipañho cuddasamo.
Метки: собранность ума 
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