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Устранение различных загрязнений Палийский оригинал

пали Nyanamoli thera - english Комментарии
855.Tattha yaṃ nāmarūpaparicchedato paṭṭhāya sakkāyadiṭṭhādīnaṃ vasena nānākilesaviddhaṃsanaṃ vuttaṃ, ayaṃ lokikāya paññābhāvanāya ānisaṃso. 2. Herein, it should be understood that one of the benefits of the mundane development of understanding is the removal of the various defilements beginning with [mistaken] view of individuality. This starts with the delimitation of mentality-materiality.
Yaṃ ariyamaggakkhaṇe saṃyojanādīnaṃ vasena nānākilesaviddhaṃsanaṃ vuttaṃ, ayaṃ lokuttarāya paññābhāvanāya ānisaṃsoti veditabbo. Then one of the benefits of the supramundane development of understanding is the removal, at the path moment, of the various defilements beginning with the fetters.
Bhīmavegānupatitā, asanīva siluccaye; With dreadful thump the thunderbolt Annihilates the rock.
Vāyuvegasamuṭṭhito, araññamiva pāvako. The fire whipped by the driving wind Annihilates the wood.
Andhakāraṃ viya ravi, satejujjalamaṇḍalo; The radiant orb of solar flame Annihilates the dark.
Dīgharattānupatitaṃ, sabbānatthavidhāyakaṃ. Developed understanding, too, Annihilates inveterate
Kilesajālaṃ paññā hi, viddhaṃsayati bhāvitā; Defilements’ netted overgrowth, The source of every woe.
Sandiṭṭhikamato jaññā, ānisaṃsamimaṃ idha. This blessing in this very life A man himself may know.
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