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68.Tatrāyamatthadīpanā – yathā hi acheko madhukaro asukasmiṃ rukkhe pupphaṃ pupphitanti ñatvā tikkhena vegena pakkhando taṃ atikkamitvā paṭinivattento khīṇe reṇumhi sampāpuṇāti. 67.Here is the explanation of the meaning. When a too clever bee learns that a flower on a tree is blooming, it sets out hurriedly, overshoots the mark, turns back, and arrives when the pollen is finished;
Aparo acheko mandena javena pakkhando khīṇeyeva sampāpuṇāti. and another, not clever enough bee, who sets out with too slow a speed, arrives when the pollen is finished too;
Cheko pana samena javena pakkhando sukhena puppharāsiṃ sampatvā yāvadicchakaṃ reṇuṃ ādāya madhuṃ sampādetvā madhurasamanubhavati. but a clever bee sets out with balanced speed, arrives with ease at the cluster of flowers, takes as much pollen as it pleases and enjoys the honey-dew.
Yathā ca sallakattaantevāsikesu udakathālagate uppalapatte satthakammaṃ sikkhantesu eko acheko vegena satthaṃ pātento uppalapattaṃ dvidhā vā chindati, udake vā paveseti. 68.Again, when a surgeon’s pupils are being trained in the use of the scalpel on a lotus leaf in a dish of water, one who is too clever applies the scalpel hurriedly and either cuts the lotus leaf in two or pushes it under the water,
Aparo acheko chijjanapavesanabhayā satthakena phusitumpi na visahati. and another who is not clever enough does not even dare to touch it with the scalpel for fear of cutting it in two or pushing it under;
Cheko pana samena payogena tattha satthapahāraṃ dassetvā pariyodātasippo hutvā tathārūpesu ṭhānesu kammaṃ katvā lābhaṃ labhati. but one who is clever shows the scalpel stroke on it by means of a balanced effort, and being good at his craft he is rewarded on such occasions.
Yathā ca yo catubyāmappamāṇaṃ makkaṭasuttamāharati, so cattāri sahassāni labhatīti raññā vutte eko achekapuriso vegena makkaṭasuttamākaḍḍhanto tahiṃ tahiṃ chindatiyeva. 69. Again when the king announces, “Anyone who can draw out a spider’s thread four fathoms long shall receive four thousand,” one man who is too clever breaks the spider’s thread here and there by pulling it hurriedly,
Aparo acheko chedanabhayā hatthena phusitumpi na visahati. and another who is not clever enough does not dare to touch it with his hand for fear of breaking it,
Cheko pana koṭito paṭṭhāya samena payogena daṇḍake vedhetvā āharitvā lābhaṃ labhati. but a clever man pulls it out starting from the end with a balanced effort, winds it on a stick, and so wins the prize.
Yathā ca acheko niyāmako balavavāte laṅkāraṃ pūrento nāvaṃ videsaṃ pakkhandāpeti. 70.Again, a too clever [137] skipper hoists full sails in a high wind and sends his ship adrift,
Aparo acheko mandavāte laṅkāraṃ oropento nāvaṃ tattheva ṭhapeti. and another, not clever enough skipper, lowers his sails in a light wind and remains where he is,
Cheko pana mandavāte laṅkāraṃ pūretvā balavavāte aḍḍhalaṅkāraṃ katvā sotthinā icchitaṭṭhānaṃ pāpuṇāti. but a clever skipper hoists full sails in a light wind, takes in half his sails in a high wind, and so arrives safely at his desired destination.
Yathā ca yo telena achaḍḍento nāḷiṃ pūreti, so lābhaṃ labhatīti ācariyena antevāsikānaṃ vutte eko acheko lābhaluddho vegena pūrento telaṃ chaḍḍeti. 71.Again, when a teacher says, “Anyone who fills the oil-tube without spilling any oil will win a prize,” one who is too clever fills it hurriedly out of greed for the prize, and he spills the oil,
Aparo acheko telachaḍḍanabhayā āsiñcitumpi na visahati. and another who is not clever enough does not dare to pour the oil at all for fear of spilling it,
Cheko pana samena payogena pūretvā lābhaṃ labhati. but one who is clever fills it with a balanced effort and wins the prize.
Evameva eko bhikkhu uppanne nimitte sīghameva appanaṃ pāpuṇissāmīti gāḷhaṃ vīriyaṃ karoti, tassa cittaṃ accāraddhavīriyattā uddhacce patati, so na sakkoti appanaṃ pāpuṇituṃ. 72.Just as in these five similes, so too when the sign arises, one bhikkhu forces his energy, thinking “I shall soon reach absorption.” Then his mind lapses into agitation because of his mind’s over-exerted energy and he is prevented from reaching absorption.
Eko accāraddhavīriyatāya dosaṃ disvā kiṃ dānime appanāyāti vīriyaṃ hāpeti, tassa cittaṃ atilīnavīriyattā kosajje patati, sopi na sakkoti appanaṃ pāpuṇituṃ. Another who sees the defect in over-exertion slacks off his energy, thinking, “What is absorption to me now?” Then his mind lapses into idleness because of his mind’s too lax energy and he too is prevented from reaching absorption.
Yo pana īsakampi līnaṃ līnabhāvato uddhataṃ uddhaccato mocetvā samena payogena nimittābhimukhaṃ pavatteti, so appanaṃ pāpuṇāti, tādisena bhavitabbaṃ. Yet another who frees his mind from idleness even when it is only slightly idle and from agitation when only slightly agitated, confronting the sign with balanced effort, reaches absorption. One should be like the last-named.
Imamatthaṃ sandhāya etaṃ vuttaṃ – 73.It was with reference to this meaning that it was said above:
Reṇumhi uppaladale, sutte nāvāya nāḷiyā; “Well-controlled bees get the pollen; Well-balanced efforts meet to treat
Yathā madhukarādīnaṃ, pavatti sammavaṇṇitā. Leaves, thread, and ships, and oil-tubes too, Gain thus, not otherwise, the prize.
Līnauddhatabhāvehi, mocayitvāna sabbaso; Let him set aside then this lax Also this agitated state,
Evaṃ nimittābhimukhaṃ, mānasaṃ paṭipādayeti. Steering here his mind at the sign As the bee and the rest suggest”.
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