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Комментарий к строфе 1 Палийский оригинал

пали Nyanamoli thera - english khantibalo - русский Комментарии
1.Idāni imassa tirokuṭṭassa yathākkamaṃ atthavaṇṇanaṃ karissāma. Now we shall give the commentary in this Without-the-walls Discourse in due order as follows.
Seyyathidaṃ – paṭhamagāthāya tāva tirokuṭṭāti kuṭṭānaṃ parabhāgā vuccanti. 14.In the first stanza (see below), it is the further sides of the walls that is called without the walls (tirokudda). В первой строфе дальняя сторона стен называется "за стенами".
Tiṭṭhantīti nisajjādippaṭikkhepato ṭhānakappanavacanametaṃ. They stand [and wait](titthanti): this phrase asserts their standing and denies their sitting,and so on. "Они стоят" - это место указывает на положение стоя и отрицает их сидение и прочее.
Tena yathā pākāraparabhāgaṃ pabbataparabhāgañca gacchantaṃ "tiropākāraṃ tiropabbataṃ asajjamāno gacchatī"ti vadanti, evamidhāpi kuṭṭassa parabhāgesu tiṭṭhante "tirokuṭṭesu tiṭṭhantī"ti āha. Now just as they say of one who goes to the further side of enclosures and to the further side of mountains that 'he goes unhindered through enclosures through mountains '(D.i. 78), so too here he said of those standing at the further side of the walls without the walls they stand and wait (tiro-kuddesu titthanti).
Sandhisiṅghāṭakesu cāti ettha sandhiyoti catukkoṇaracchā vuccanti gharasandhibhittisandhiālokasandhiyo cāpi. 15.And at the junctions and road-forks(sandhisinghatakesu):here it is both quadruple [junctions of ] carriage-roads and also house-junctions and wall-junctions and lighting-junctions (slits) that are called 'junctions'(sandhi),
Siṅghāṭakāti tikoṇaracchā vuccanti, tadekajjhaṃ katvā purimena saddhiṃ saṅghaṭento "sandhisiṅghāṭakesu cā"ti āha. and it is triple [junctions of] carriage-roads that are called ' road-forks '(singhataka). Combining these together into one [compound] he said and at the junctions androad-forks.
Dvārabāhāsu tiṭṭhantīti nagaradvāragharadvārānaṃ bāhā nissāya tiṭṭhanti. 16.They wait beside the jambs of gates (dvarabahasutittJianti): they stand near the jambs of city gates and house doors.
Āgantvāna sakaṃ gharanti ettha sakaṃ gharaṃ nāma pubbañātigharampi attanā sāmikabhāvena ajjhāvutthapubbagharampi. Returning to their erstwhile homes (agantvana sakarh ghararh): here ' erstwhile homes' means both a former relative's home and their own homes in which they formerly lived as owners. "Придя к своим [бывшим] домам" здесь под домами подразумевается как дом бывшего родственника, так и те дома, где они сами в прошлом жили как собственники.
Tadubhayampi yasmā te sakagharasaññāya āgacchanti, tasmā "āgantvāna sakaṃ ghara"nti āha. They come perceiving both as their own home, and that is why 'returning to their erstwhile homes ' is said. Они приходят, считая то и другое своим домом, поэтому сказано "придя к своим домам".
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