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пали Yathā hi rājā rajjasukhaṃ, devatā dibbasukhaṃ anubhavanti, evaṃ ariyā "ariyaṃ lokuttarasukhaṃ anubhavissāmā"ti addhānapparicchedaṃ katvā icchiticchitakkhaṇe phalasamāpattiṃ samāpajjanti.
Nyanamoli thera For just as a king experiences royal bliss and a deity experiences divine bliss, so too the Noble Ones think, “We shall experience the noble supramundane bliss,” and after deciding on the duration, they attain the attainment of fruition whenever they choose.3
Комментарий оставлен 20.08.2021 20:56 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 3.
Although they are resultant states, nevertheless the states of fruition attainment occur in the noble person only when he chooses since they do not arise without the preliminary work and do so only when they are given predominance.