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пали "Sotāpattimaggakkhaṇe dassanaṭṭhena sammādiṭṭhi micchādiṭṭhiyā vuṭṭhāti, tadanuvattakakilesehi ca khandhehi ca vuṭṭhāti, bahiddhā ca sabbanimittehi vuṭṭhāti.
Nyanamoli thera “At the moment of the stream-entry path, right view in the sense of seeing (a) emerges from wrong view, and it emerges from defilements and from the aggregates that occur consequent upon that [wrong view],13 and (b) externally it emerges from all signs;
Комментарий оставлен 20.08.2021 19:03 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 13.
It emerges from the defilements of uncertainty, etc., that occur consequent upon that view, which is wrong since it leads to states of loss.