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пали 783.Tatrāyaṃ abhinivesavuṭṭhānānaṃ āvibhāvatthāya mātikā – ajjhattaṃ abhinivisitvā ajjhattā vuṭṭhāti, ajjhattaṃ abhinivisitvā bahiddhā vuṭṭhāti, bahiddhā abhinivisitvā bahiddhā vuṭṭhāti, bahiddhā abhinivisitvā ajjhattā vuṭṭhāti, rūpe abhinivisitvā rūpā vuṭṭhāti, rūpe abhinivisitvā arūpā vuṭṭhāti, arūpe abhinivisitvā arūpā vuṭṭhāti, arūpe abhinivisitvā rūpā vuṭṭhāti, ekappahārena pañcahi khandhehi vuṭṭhāti, aniccato abhinivisitvā aniccato vuṭṭhāti, aniccato abhinivisitvā dukkhato, anattato vuṭṭhāti, dukkhato abhinivisitvā dukkhato, aniccato, anattato vuṭṭhāti, anattato abhinivisitvā anattato, aniccato, dukkhato vuṭṭhāti.
Nyanamoli thera 84. Herein, for the purpose of clarification there is this list of the kinds of emergence classed according to the manner of interpreting: (1) after interpreting the internal37 it emerges from the internal, (2) after interpreting the internal it emerges from the external, (3) after interpreting the external it emerges from the external, (4) after interpreting the external it emerges from the internal; (5) after interpreting the material it emerges from the material, (6) after interpreting the material it emerges from the immaterial, (7) after interpreting the immaterial it emerges from the immaterial, (8) after interpreting the immaterial it emerges from the material; (9) it emerges at one stroke from the five aggregates; (10) after interpreting as impermanent it emerges from the impermanent, (11) after interpreting as impermanent it emerges from the painful, (12) after interpreting as impermanent it emerges from the not-self; (13) after interpreting as painful it emerges from the painful, (14) after interpreting as painful it emerges from the impermanent, (15) after interpreting as painful it emerges from the not-self, (16) after interpreting as not-self it emerges from the not-self, (17) after interpreting as not-self it emerges from the impermanent, (18) after interpreting as not-self it emerges from the painful.
Комментарий оставлен 19.08.2021 19:58 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 37.
‘Emerges from the internal’ is said figuratively owing to the fact that in this case the insight leading to emergence has an internal state as its object. In the literal sense, however, the path emerges from both.