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пали | 765.Evaṃ dvādasahākārehi suññataṃ pariggaṇhitvā puna tīraṇapariññāvasena dvācattālīsāya ākārehi suññataṃ pariggaṇhāti, rūpaṃ aniccato… dukkhato… rogato… gaṇḍato… sallato… aghato… ābādhato… parato… palokato… ītito… upaddavato… bhayato… upasaggato… calato… pabhaṅguto… addhuvato… atāṇato… aleṇato… asaraṇato… asaraṇībhūtato… rittato… tucchato… suññato… anattato… anassādato… ādīnavato… vipariṇāmadhammato… assārakato… aghamūlato… vadhakato… vibhavato… sāsavato… saṅkhatato… mārāmisato… jātidhammato… jarādhammato… byādhidhammato… maraṇadhammato… sokaparidevadukkhadomanassaupāyāsadhammato… samudayato… atthaṅgamato… anassādato … ādīnavato… nissaraṇato passati. |
Nyanamoli thera | 59. Having discerned voidness in twelve modes in this way, he discerns it again in forty-two modes through full-understanding as investigating. He sees materiality as impermanent, as painful, as a disease, a tumour, a dart, a calamity, an affliction, as alien, as disintegrating, a plague, a disaster, a terror, a menace, as fickle, perishable, unenduring, as no protection, no shelter, no refuge, as unfit to be a refuge, as empty, vain, void, not-self, as without satisfaction,26 as a danger, as subject to change, as having no core, as the root of calamity, as murderous, as due to be annihilated, as subject to cankers, as formed, as Māra’s bait, as subject to birth, subject to ageing, subject to illness, subject to death, subject to sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair; as arising, as departing; as danger,27 as (having an) escape. |
This is not in the text.
If it were there would be forty-three ways.
Although it has already been described as a danger in order to show it as such, the word is used again in order to show that it is opposed to enjoyment (satisfaction).