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пали | 736.Kusalo pana paṇḍito byatto buddhisampanno yogāvacaro obhāsādīsu uppannesu "ayaṃ kho me obhāso uppanno, so kho panāyaṃ anicco saṅkhato paṭiccasamuppanno khayadhammo vayadhammo virāgadhammo nirodhadhammo"ti iti vā taṃ paññāya paricchindati upaparikkhati. |
Nyanamoli thera | 126. But when illumination, etc., arise, a skilful, wary meditator who is endowed with discretion either defines and examines it with understanding thus: “This illumination has arisen.38 But it is impermanent, formed, conditionally arisen, subject to destruction, subject to fall, subject to fading away, subject to cessation.” |