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пали | Sesesu vipassanāñāṇesu kiñci paṭividdhaṃ, kiñci appaṭividdhaṃ, tesaṃ vibhāgaṃ parato āvikarissāma. |
Nyanamoli thera | As to the remaining kinds of insight, some have been penetrated and some not. We shall deal with them below.29 |
When (1) the contemplation of impermanence is established, then the contemplations of (6) cessation, (8) destruction, (9) fall, and (10) change are partly established. When (2) the contemplation of pain is established, then the contemplations of (4) dispassion and (16) danger are partly established. And when (3) the contemplation of not-self is established, then the rest are partly established.