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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 2 >> 20. Очищение путём знания и видения пути и того, что не является путём >> Видение порождения материального (тела) >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали Utupaccayautusamuṭṭhānaṃ nāma utusamuṭṭhānā tejodhātu ṭhānappattā aññaṃ ojaṭṭhamakaṃ samuṭṭhāpeti, tatrāpi utu aññanti evaṃ dīghampi addhānaṃ anupādiṇṇapakkhe ṭhatvāpi utusamuṭṭhānaṃ pavattatiyeva.
Nyanamoli thera 41.(4) What is originated by temperature that has temperature as its condition: the temperature-originated fire element that has reached presence originates a further octad-with-nutritive-essence-as-eighth, and the temperature in that octad originates a further octad. Thus temperature-originated materiality both goes on occurring for a long period and also maintains itself as well in what is not clung to.17
Комментарий оставлен 18.08.2021 19:46 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 17.
What is intended is head hair, body hair, nails, teeth, skin, callosities, warts, etc., which are separate from the flesh in a living body; otherwise a corpse, and so on