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пали Allīyituṃ anarahatāya, allīnānampi ca leṇakiccākāritāya aleṇato.
Nyanamoli thera as no shelter because of unfitness to give shelter,8 and because of not performing the function of a shelter for the unsheltered;9
Комментарий оставлен 18.08.2021 17:20 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 8. Allīyituṃ—“to give shelter”: not in PED, but see leṇa.

Комментарий оставлен 18.08.2021 17:20 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 9. Allīnānaṃ—“for the unsheltered”: allīna = pp. of ā + līyati (see note 8 above), the “un-sheltered.” Not in PED. Not to be confused with allīna = adherent (pp. of ā + līyati, to stick, to be contiguous); see e.g. XIV.46.