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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 2 >> 20. Очищение путём знания и видения пути и того, что не является путём >> Отслеживание сорока аспектов >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали 697.So tasseva pañcasu khandhesu aniccadukkhānattasammasanassa thirabhāvatthāya, yaṃ taṃ bhagavatā "katamehi cattārīsāya ākārehi anulomikaṃ khantiṃ paṭilabhati, katamehi cattārīsāya ākārehi sammattaniyāmaṃ okkamatī"ti etassa vibhaṅge –
Nyanamoli thera 18. Now, when the Blessed One was expounding conformity knowledge, he [asked the question]: “By means of what forty aspects does he acquire liking that is in conformity? By means of what forty aspects does he enter into the certainty of rightness? ” (P‘8). 4 In the answer to it comprehension of impermanence, etc., is set forth by him analytically in the way beginning:
Комментарий оставлен 18.08.2021 17:17 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 4.
‘Liking that is in conformity’ in conformity with the attainment of the path.
liking for knowledge that is (above).
Actually the knowledge itself is the ‘liking’ (khanti) since it likes (khamati), it endures, defining by going into the individual essence of its objective field.
The ‘certainty of rightness’ is the noble path;
for that is called the rightness beginning with right view and also the certainty of an irreversible trend.