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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 2 >> 20. Очищение путём знания и видения пути и того, что не является путём >> Постижение по группам >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали Tato paṭṭhāya hi aniccato anupassanto niccasaññaṃ pajahati, dukkhato anupassanto sukhasaññaṃ, anattato anupassanto attasaññaṃ, nibbindanto nandiṃ, virajjanto rāgaṃ, nirodhento samudayaṃ, paṭinissajjanto ādānaṃ pajahatīti (paṭi. ma. 1.52) evaṃ niccasaññādipahānasādhikānaṃ sattannaṃ anupassanānaṃ ādhipaccaṃ.
Nyanamoli thera for from there onwards the seven contemplations that effect the abandoning of the perception of permanence, etc., predominate thus: (1) Contemplating [formations] as impermanent, a man abandons the perception of permanence. (2) Contemplating [them] as painful, he abandons the perception of pleasure. (3) Contemplating [them] as not-self, he abandons the perception of self. (4) Becoming dispassionate, he abandons delighting. (5) Causing fading away, he abandons greed. (6) Causing cessation, he abandons originating. (7) Relinquishing, he abandons grasping (Paṭis I 58).3
Комментарий оставлен 18.08.2021 16:36 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 3.
‘Contemplating as impermanent’ is contemplating, comprehending, formations in the aspect of impermanence.
‘The perception of permanence’ is the wrong perception that they are permanent, eternal;
the kinds of consciousness associated with wrong view should be regarded as included under the heading of ‘perception.’
So too with what follows.
‘Becoming dispassionate’ is seeing formations with dispassion by means of the contemplation of dispassion induced by the contemplations of impermanence, and so on.
‘Delighting’ is craving accompanied by happiness.
‘Causing fading away’ is contemplating in such a way that greed (rāga) for formations does not arise owing to the causing of greed to fade (virajjana) by the contemplation of fading away (virāgānupassanā);
for one who acts thus is said to abandon greed.
‘Causing cessation’ is contemplating in such a way that, by the contemplation of cessation, formations cease only, they do not arise in the future through a new becoming;
since one who acts thus is said to abandon the arousing (originating) of formations because of producing the nature of non-arising.
‘Relinquishing’ is relinquishing in such a way that, by the contemplation of relinquishment, formations are not grasped anymore;
hence he said, ‘He abandons grasping’; or the meaning is that he relinquishes apprehending [them] as permanent, and so on.