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пали Kammaṭṭhānikena hi bhikkhunā paṭhamaṃ tāva paricchinditvā sīmaṭṭhakabhikkhusaṅghe sukhitā hontu abyāpajjāti mettā bhāvetabbā.
Nyanamoli thera 58. When a bhikkhu takes up a meditation subject, he should first develop loving-kindness towards the Community of Bhikkhus within the boundary,16 limiting it at first [to “all bhikkhus in this monastery”], in this way: “May they be happy and free from affliction.”
Комментарий оставлен 10.08.2021 19:08 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 16. Sīmā—”boundary”: loosely used in this sense, it corresponds vaguely to what is meant by “parish.” In the strict sense it is the actual area (usually a “chapter house”) agreed according to the rules laid down in the Vinaya and marked by boundary stones, within which the Community (saṅgha) carries out its formal acts.