Comm. NT: 6. In loose usage pīti (happiness) and sukha (pleasure or bliss) are almost synonyms. They become differentiated in the jhāna formulas (see IV.100), and then technically pīti, as the active thrill of rapture, is classed under the formations aggregate and sukha under the feeling aggregate. The valuable word “happiness” was chosen for pīti rather than the possible alternatives of “joy” (needed for somanassa), “interest” (which is too flat), “rapture” (which is overcharged), or “zest.” For sukha, while “pleasure” seemed to fit admirably where ordinary pleasant feeling is intended, another, less crass, word seemed necessary for the refined pleasant feeling of jhāna and the “bliss” of Nibbāna (which is not feeling aggregate—see M I 400). “Ease” is sometimes used.
3. Kammaṭṭhānaggahaṇaniddesavaṇṇanā
Neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is intended here by ‘equanimity’ (upekkhā, lit, onlooking);
for it ‘looks on’ (upekkhati) at the occurrence of [bodily] pleasure and pain by maintaining the neutral (central) mode