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пали Dhutaguṇe samādāya vattatīti vacanavirodhopi ca nesaṃ āpajjati, tasmā taṃ na gahetabba"nti ayaṃ tāva kusalattikato vaṇṇanā.
Nyanamoli thera Also there are the words “Proceeded to undertake the ascetic qualities” (Vin III 15), and it follows19 that those words are contradicted. So that should not be accepted. This, in the first place, is the commentary on the profitable triad.
Комментарий оставлен 06.08.2021 23:10 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 19. Āpajjati (and its noun āpatti) is the normal word used for undesirable consequences that follow on some unsound logical proposition. See XVI.68f. This meaning is not in PED.