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пали "Yesampi kusalattikavinimuttaṃ dhutaṅgaṃ, tesaṃ atthato dhutaṅgameva natthi.
Nyanamoli thera 79.And those who hold that an ascetic practice is outside the profitable triad18 have no ascetic practice as regards meaning.
Комментарий оставлен 06.08.2021 23:09 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 18. For the triads of the Abhidhamma Mātikā (Abhidhamma Schedule) see Ch. XIII, n.20.
‘Those who hold’: a reference to the inhabitants of the Abhayagiri Monastery at Anurādhapura.
For they say that ascetic practice is a concept consisting in a name (nāma-paññatti).
That being so, they could have no meaning of shaking off defilements, or possibility of being undertaken, because in the ultimate sense they would be non- existent [concepts having no existence].