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пали Tatraṭṭhakapaccattharaṇampi tassa vaṭṭati.
Nyanamoli thera A bedspread that remains where it is10 is also allowable for him,
Комментарий оставлен 06.08.2021 21:27 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 10.
2. Tecīvarikaṅgakathāvaṇṇanā
Tatraṭṭhaka-paccattharaṇa—”a bedspread that remains there”; “A name for what has been determined upon as a bedspread in one’s own resting place or in someone else’s.
They say accordingly (it is said in a commentary) that there is no breach of the ascetic practice even when these two, that is, the bedspread and the undyed cloth, are kept as extra robes.