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пали Piṇḍāya vā patituṃ vatametassāti piṇḍapātī, patitunti carituṃ, piṇḍapātī eva piṇḍapātiko.
Nyanamoli thera Or his vow is to gather (patituṃ)2 the lump (piṇḍa), thus he is a “lump-gatherer” (piṇḍapātin). To “gather” is to wander for. A “lump-gatherer” (piṇḍapātin) is the same as an “alms-food-eater” (piṇḍapātika).
Комментарий оставлен 06.08.2021 20:21 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 2. Patati—”to gather (or to wander)”: not in PED.