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пали Lābhasakkārasilokasannissitassa pāpicchassa icchāpakatassa yā paccayapaṭisevanasaṅkhātena vā sāmantajappitena vā iriyāpathassa vā aṭṭhapanā ṭhapanā saṇṭhapanā bhākuṭikā bhākuṭiyaṃ kuhanā kuhāyanā kuhitattaṃ, ayaṃ vuccati kuhanā.
Nyanamoli thera It is the grimacing, grimacery, scheming, schemery, schemedness,18 by what is called rejection of requisites or by indirect talk, or it is the disposing, posing, composing, of the deportment on the part of one bent on gain, honour and renown, of one of evil wishes, a prey to wishes—this is called scheming.
Комментарий оставлен 06.08.2021 16:25 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 18. The formula “kuhana kuhāyanā kuhitattaṃ,” i.e. verbal noun in two forms and abstract noun from pp., all from the same root, is common in Abhidhamma definitions. It is sometimes hard to produce a corresponding effect in English, yet to render such groups with words of different derivation obscures the meaning and confuses the effect.