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пали | 668.Aparo "yaṃkiñci rūpaṃ sabbaṃ rūpaṃ cattāri mahābhūtāni catunnañca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāyarūpa"nti (ma. ni. 1.347; a. ni. 11.17) evaṃ saṃkhitteneva imasmiṃ attabhāve rūpaṃ pariggahetvā, tathā manāyatanañceva dhammāyatanekadesañca nāmanti pariggahetvā "iti idañca nāmaṃ idañca rūpaṃ, idaṃ vuccati nāmarūpa"nti saṅkhepato nāmarūpaṃ vavatthapeti. |
Nyanamoli thera | 14. Another discerns “materiality” in his person briefly thus: “Any kind of materiality whatever all consists of the four primary elements and the materiality derived from the four primary elements” (M I 222), and he likewise discerns the mind base and a part of the mental data base as “mentality.” Then he defines mentality-materiality in brief thus: “This mentality and this materiality are called ‘mentality-materiality.’ ” 8 |
As well as by means of the elements, etc., materiality can also be discerned through the faculties, the truths, and the dependent origination.
“Firstly, through the faculties. These seven, namely, the five beginning with the eye plus femininity and masculinity are materiality; the eleven consisting of the mind faculty, the five feeling faculties, and the five beginning with faith, are mentality; the life faculty is both mentality and materiality. The last three, being supramundane, are not intended here.
The truth of suffering is both mentality and materiality; the truth of origin is mentality; the other two are not intended here because they are supramundane.
“In the structure of conditions, the first three members are mentality; the fourth and fifth are mentality and materiality; the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth are mentality; the tenth is both mentality and materiality; the last two are each mentality and materiality.