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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 2 >> 19. Очищение путём преодоления сомнения >> Постижение условий >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали Evaṃ pana kammena kate okāse taṃ vipākaṃ uppannaṃ nāma vuccati.
Nyanamoli thera But when the opportunity has thus been furnished by the [other] kamma, it is that [supplanting kamma’s] result that is called arisen.5
Комментарий оставлен 10.09.2020 15:03 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT:
5. See the various meanings of “arisen” given in XXII.81f.
“Another method is this: when some kamma has been done and there is, either in rebirth-linking or in the course of an existence, the arising of material instances due to the result of kamma performed, that kamma is ‘productive.’
When some kamma has been performed and the desirable or undesirable fruit generated by other kamma has its production facilitated and its endurance aided and lengthened by the suppression of conditions that would interfere with it and by the arousing of conditions that would strengthen it, that kamma is ‘supporting.’
When some kamma has been performed and profitable fruit or unprofitable fruit generated by productive kamma is obstructed by it respectively in the form of sickness or of disquieting of elements, that is ‘frustrating’ kamma.
But when some kamma has been done by which the fruit of other kamma is ruined and cut off by being supplanted by what cuts it off although it was fit for longer endurance because of the efficacy of the kamma that was producing it, that kamma is ‘supplanting’” (Vism-mhṭ 772).