Comm NT: 3.
3. “‘Weighty’ kamma is very reprehensible unprofitable kamma and very powerful profitable kamma.
‘Habitual’ kamma is what is habitually, continually done and repeated.
‘Death-threshold’ kamma is what is remembered with great vividness at the time next before death;
what is meant is that there is no question about what is done at the time of death.
‘That has been often repeated’: he draws a distinction between this kind of kamma as stated and the ‘habitual’ kind
and he likewise excludes kamma to be experienced here and now from it because the bringing on of rebirth-linking is admitted;
for the tetrad beginning with the ‘weighty’ is stated as productive of rebirth-linking.
“Herein, the weighty ripens first of all
and that is why it is so called.
When weighty kamma is lacking, what has been much done ripens. When that is lacking, death-threshold kamma ripens. When that too is lacking, then kamma done in previous births, which is called ‘kamma [stored up] by being performed,’ ripens.
And the last three when produced can be strong or weak” (Vism-mhṭ 769ff.)
Vism-mhṭ then cites various Birth Stories and MN 136 in order to show how, for various reasons, the result of one kind of kamma may be delayed or displaced by the result of another. Vism- mhṭ concludes:
“This is the province of the Tathāgata’s Knowledge of the Great Exposition of Kamma, in other words, the mastery of the order of ripening of such and such kamma for such and such reasons.”