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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 2 >> 19. Очищение путём преодоления сомнения >> Постижение условий >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали 685.Tattha catubbidhaṃ kammaṃ – diṭṭhadhammavedanīyaṃ, upapajjavedanīyaṃ, aparāpariyavedanīyaṃ, ahosikammanti.
Nyanamoli thera 14.Herein, kamma is fourfold: to be experienced here and now, to be experienced on rebirth, to be experienced in some subsequent becoming, and lapsed kamma.2
Комментарий оставлен 18.08.2021 15:40 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 2.
“To be experienced here and now” means kamma whose fruit is to be experienced in this present selfhood.
“To be experienced on rebirth” means kamma whose fruit is to be experienced [in the becoming] next to the present becoming.
“To be experienced in some subsequent existence” means kamma whose fruit is to be experienced in some successive selfhood other than either that here and now or next to that here and now.
“Lapsed kamma” is kamma of which it has to be said, “There has been kamma, but there has not been, is not, and will not be kamma-result.”
“The volition of the first impulsion, which has efficient power by not being prevented by opposition and by having acquired the distinction of a condition, and which has definitely occurred as a prior kamma-formation of the appropriate kind, giving its fruit in this same selfhood, is called ‘to be experienced here and now.’
For while that first- impulsion volition, being effective in the way stated, is helpful to what is associated with its special qualities in the impulsion continuity, yet because it wields little power over aspects and because it has little result owing to lack of repetition, it is not, like the other two kinds, kamma that looks beyond the occurring continuity and looks to obtain an opportunity; it gives its fruit here only as mere result during the course of becoming, like a mere flower.
‘But if it cannot do so’: kamma’s giving of result comes about only through the due concurrence of conditions consisting of (suitable) essentials of becoming, means, etc., failing which it is unable to give its result in that selfhood.
‘That accomplishes its purpose’: that fulfils its purpose consisting in giving, etc., and in killing, etc.
For the seventh impulsion to which this refers
is the final impulsion in the series, and when it has acquired distinction in the way already stated and has acquired the service of repetition by the previous impulsions, it gives its result in the next selfhood and is called ‘to be experienced on rebirth‘” (Vism-mhṭ 769).