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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 2 >> 13. Описание сверхзнаний >> Охват умов других людей >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали 401.Cetopariyañāṇakathāya cetopariyañāṇāyāti ettha pariyātīti pariyaṃ, paricchindatīti attho.
Nyanamoli thera 8.As to the explanation of knowledge of penetration of minds. Here, it goes all round (pariyāti), thus it is penetration (pariya); the meaning is that it delimits (paricchindati).
Комментарий оставлен 22.05.2022 14:22 автором khantibalo
NT: [the text is as follows: “He directs, he inclines, his mind to the knowledge of penetration of minds. He penetrates with his mind the minds of other beings, of other persons, and understands them thus: he understands [the manner of] consciousness affected by greed as affected by greed, and understands [the manner of] consciousness unaffected by greed as unaffected by greed; he understands consciousness affected by hate as affected by hate, and consciousness unaffected by hate as unaffected by hate; he understands consciousness affected by delusion as affected by delusion, and consciousness unaffected by delusion as unaffected by delusion; he understands cramped consciousness as cramped, and distracted consciousness as distracted; he understands exalted consciousness as exalted, and unexalted consciousness as unexalted; he understands surpassed consciousness as surpassed and unsurpassed consciousness as unsurpassed; he understands concentrated consciousness as concentrated and unconcentrated consciousness as unconcentrated; he understands the liberated [manner of] consciousness as liberated, and the unliberated [manner of] consciousness as unliberated” (D I 79).