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Bhagavā hi cūḷasubhaddāya nimantito vissakammunā nimmitehi pañcahi kūṭāgārasatehi sāvatthito sattayojanabbhantaraṃ sāketaṃ gacchanto yathā sāketanagaravāsino sāvatthivāsike, sāvatthivāsino ca sāketavāsike passanti, evaṃ adhiṭṭhāsi.
Nyanamoli thera |
For when the Blessed One had been invited by Cūḷa-Subhaddā and was traversing the seven-league journey between Sāvatthī and Sāketa with five hundred palanquins14 created by Vissakamma (see Dhp-a III 470), he resolved in suchwise that citizens of Sāketa saw the inhabitants of Sāvatthī and citizens of Sāvatthī saw the inhabitants of Sāketa. |
Комментарий оставлен 24.08.2021 11:43
автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 14. Kūṭāgāra—“palanquin”: not in this sense in PED. See story at M-a V 90, where it is told how 500 of these were made by Sakka’s architect Vissakamma for the Buddha to journey through the air in. The same word is also commonly used in the Commentaries for the portable structure (catafalque) in which a bier is carried to the pyre. This, built often in the form of a house, is still used now in Sri Lanka and called ransivi-ge. See A-a commentary to AN 3:42, and to AN 1:38; also Dhp-a III 470. Not in this sense in PED.