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пали | Khippanisantiyāpi ca sati parassa patiṭṭhābhāvo bhāro, satesu sahassesu vā ekova hoti, giribhaṇḍavāhanapūjāya mārena aṅgāravasse pavattite ākāse pathaviṃ māpetvā aṅgāravassaparittārako thero viya. |
Nyanamoli thera | 10. And helping another after acquiring rapidity in responding is difficult and only one in a hundred or a thousand can do it. Like the elder who gave protection against the rain of embers by creating earth in the sky, when the rain of embers was produced by Māra at the Giribhaṇḍavahana offering. 2 |
it is a name for a great island-offering starting with the Cetiyagiri (Mihintale) and extending over the whole island and up to a league into the seaMentioned in A-a to AN 1:1; M-a II 398; and Mahāvaṃsa XXXIV.81.