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пали Sabhāvalakkhaṇe saṅkhatalakkhaṇassa tāvakālikattampi pākaṭaṃ hoti udayakkhaṇe vayassa, vayakkhaṇe ca udayassa abhāvāvabodhatoti.
Nyanamoli thera And in the characteristic of individual essence the temporariness of the characteristic of what is formed becomes evident to him [through that] too owing to his discovery of the non-existence of fall at the instant of rise and the non- existence of rise at the instant of fall. 32
Комментарий оставлен 19.08.2021 13:04 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 32.
“The inclusion of only rise and fall here is because this kind of knowledge occurs as seeing only rise and fall, not because of non-existence of the instant of presence”