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пали | Tadevaṃ pavattamānaṃ taṇhāvijjānaṃ appahīnattā avijjāpaṭicchāditādīnave tasmiṃ visaye taṇhā nāmeti, sahajātasaṅkhārā khipanti. |
khantibalo | И пока это всё так происходит, поскольку жажда и неведение не были устранены, жажда толкает его и сопутствующие волевые конструкции тащут его на эту область, опасности в которой скрыты неведением. |
Nyanamoli thera | And while it is occurring thus, because craving and ignorance have not been abandoned, craving pushes it and the conascent formations fling it forward30 on to that objective field, the dangers in which are concealed by ignorance. |
“Owing to craving being unabandoned, and because the previously-arisen continuity is similarly deflected, consciousness occurs inclining, leaning and tending towards the place of rebirth-linking.
The ‘conascent formations’ are the volitions conascent with the impulsion consciousness next to death. Or they are all those that begin with contact.
They fling consciousness on to that place of rebirth-linking, which is the object of the kamma and so on.
The meaning is that they occur as the cause for the establishment of consciousness on the object by rebirth-linking as though flinging it there”