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пали Tattha "dānaṃ datvā sīlaṃ samādiyitvā uposathakammaṃ katvā taṃ garuṃkatvā paccavekkhati, pubbe suciṇṇāni garuṃkatvā paccavekkhati, jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā jhānaṃ garuṃkatvā paccavekkhati, sekkhā gotrabhuṃ garuṃkatvā paccavekkhanti, vodānaṃ garuṃkatvā paccavekkhanti.
Nyanamoli thera 81. (a) Herein, firstly, “Having given a gift, having undertaken the precepts of virtue, having done the duties of the Uposatha, a man gives that importance and reviews it; he gives importance to former things well done and reviews them. Having emerged from jhāna, he gives jhāna importance and reviews it.
Комментарий оставлен 17.08.2021 22:13 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 15.
“Reviewing change-of-lineage” (the consciousness that precedes the path consciousness) applies to stream-enterers.
“Reviewing cleansing” (the “cleansing” that consists in attaining a higher path than the first) applies to once-returners and non-returners