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пали Saṅkhārā sāsavavipākadhammadhammādibhāvato ekavidhā.
Nyanamoli thera 53.Formations are singlefold as states subject to cankers (Dhs 3), states with the nature of result (Dhs 1), and so on (cf. Vibh 62).9
Комментарий оставлен 17.08.2021 22:07 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 9.
“‘With the nature of result, and so on’: the words ‘and so on’ here include ‘neither- trainer-nor-non-trainer,’ (Dhs 2) ‘conducive to fetters’ (Dhs 3), and so on.
‘Mundane resultant and so on’: the words ‘and so on’ here include ‘indeterminate’ (Dhs 2), ‘formed’ (Dhs 2), and so on.
‘With root-cause and without root-cause, and so on’: the words ‘and so on’ here include ‘prompted,’ ‘unprompted,’ and so on”