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пали | Abhisaṅkharaṇalakkhaṇā saṅkhārā, āyūhanarasā, cetanāpaccupaṭṭhānā, avijjāpadaṭṭhānā. |
khantibalo | Волевые конструкции имеют характеристику конструирования. Их функция состоит в накоплении. Они проявляются как воления. Их производящей причиной является неведение. |
Nyanamoli thera | Formations have the characteristic of forming. Their function is to accumulate. 7 They are manifested as volition. Their proximate cause is ignorance. |
“Formations ‘accumulate,’ work, for the purpose of rebirth. So that is their function.
To accumulate is to heap up.
Consciousness’s function is ‘to go before’ since it precedes mentality-materiality at rebirth-linking.
Mentality’s function is ‘to associate’ since it joins with consciousness in a state of mutuality.
‘Inseparability of its components’ is owing to their having no separate existence [mentality here being feeling, perception, and formations].
Materiality is dispersible since it has in itself nothing [beyond the water element] to hold it [absolutely] together, so ‘its function is to be dispersed’;
that is why, when rice grains, etc., are pounded, they get scattered and reduced to powder. It is called ‘indeterminate’ to distinguish it from mentality, which is profitable, etc., at different times”