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пали So hi yasmā patīyamāno hitāya sukhāya ca saṃvattati, tasmā paccetumarahanti naṃ paṇḍitāti paṭicco.
Nyanamoli thera For that [total] ought to be arrived at (paṭicco—adj.),2 since when it is arrived at (paṭiyamāno), it leads to [supramundane] welfare and bliss and so the wise [regard] it as worthy to be arrived at (paccetuṃ);
Комментарий оставлен 17.08.2021 22:01 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 2. Paṭicco as a declinable adjective is not in PED.
Patīyamāna (“when it is arrived at”): “When it is gone to by direct confrontation (paṭimukhaṃ upeyamāno) by means of knowledge’s going; when it is penetrated to (abhisamiyamāna), is the meaning”
The word paṭicca (due to, depending on) and the word paccaya (condition) are both gerunds of paṭi + eti or ayati (to go back to).