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пали | 540.Tatridaṃ gabbhokkantimūlakādibhedaṃ dukkhaṃ – ayaṃ hi satto mātukucchimhi nibbattamāno na uppalapadumapuṇḍarīkādīsu nibbattati, atha kho heṭṭhā āmāsayassa upari pakkāsayassa udarapaṭalapiṭṭhikaṇṭakānaṃ vemajjhe paramasambādhe tibbandhakārenānākuṇapagandhaparibhāvitaparamaduggandhapavanavicarite adhimattajegucche kucchipadese pūtimacchapūtikummāsacandanikādīsu kimi viya nibbattati. |
khantibalo | Пересказ: "Страдание от вхождения в утробу" и т.д.: существо зарождается в омерзительном, тёмом, вонючем месте, не имеющем ничего общего с прекрасным. |
Nyanamoli thera | 37.Here the suffering classed as “rooted in the descent into the womb,” and so on, is this: When this being is born in the mother’s womb, he is not born inside a blue or red or white lotus, etc., but on the contrary, like a worm in rotting fish, rotting dough, cesspools, etc., he is born in the belly in a position that is below the receptacle for undigested food (stomach), above the receptacle for digested food (rectum), between the belly-lining and the backbone, which is very cramped, quite dark, pervaded by very fetid draughts redolent of various smells of ordure, and exceptionally loathsome.11 |
various ordures (kuṇapa) such as bile, phlegm, pus, blood, excrement, gorge and so on.
Whether the mother is [twenty], [thirty], or [forty] years old, it is ‘as exceptionally loathsome’ as an excrement bucket that has not been washed for a like number of years.