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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 2 >> 14. Описание совокупностей >> Совокупность сознания >> Таблица   (Абзац)
пали 452.Tattha kusalaṃ bhūmibhedato catubbidhaṃ kāmāvacaraṃ rūpāvacaraṃ arūpāvacaraṃ lokuttarañca.
Nyanamoli thera 83. I. Herein, the profitable is fourfold according to plane, namely, (A) of the sense sphere, (B) of the fine-material sphere, (C) of the immaterial sphere, and (D) supramundane. 36
Комментарий оставлен 17.08.2021 17:28 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 36.
“‘Sense sphere’ (kāmāvacara): here there are the two kinds of sense desire (kāma), sense desire as basis (vatthu-kāma) and sense desire as defilement (kilesakāma).
Of these, sense desire as [objective] basis particularized as the five cords of sense desire (pañca-kāma-guṇa = dimensions of sensual desires), is desired (kāmiyati). Sense desire as defilement, which is craving, desires (kāmeti).
The sense sphere (kāmāvacara) is where these two operate (avacaranti) together.
But what is that?
It is the elevenfold sense-desire becoming, [i.e. hell, asura demons, ghosts, animals, human beings, and six sensual-sphere heavens.]
So too with the fine-material sphere and the immaterial sphere, taking “fine-material” as craving for the fine-material too, and “immaterial” as craving for the immaterial too.
It crosses over (uttarati) from the world (loka), thus it is supramundane (lokuttara)”...